Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.

Open to reconsider my views in light of good-faith counter-arguments but also willing to defend what’s right, even when it’s unpopular. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.

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Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • Plumber here.

    It’s a closed circuit. When you’re bleeding out air the pressure in the system drops. When there’s no sufficient pressure the water wont reach the upper floors.

    Under normal circumstances the system is bled of air once and then they add more water untill the optimal pressure is reached and that’s it. You shouldn’t need to bleed air or add water ever again. The fact that you keep bleeding it indicates that new air is introduced somehow. Usually this means there’s a leak and someone keeps topping it up with fresh water which contains air that then need to be bled out again.

    Alternatively the issue could also be non-plumbers like yourself who keep bleeding the radiators on their own and then the maintenance keeps adding more water and wondering why the pressure always drops again. In my part of the world it’s forbidden for the residents to bleed their radiators for this very reason.

    Also, the radiator lines are usually steel. The reason they don’t rust is lack of oxygen. Now with constantly more water and thus air being added to the system the corrosion keeps on advancing.

  • Most people are led by emotions rather than cold and analytical reasoning. I believe everyone has the capability to think objectively but that capability gets clouded when ever they’re taken capture by strong emotions. That’s why they can reasonably consider an abstract but difficult trolley problem but then lose their minds when Elon says something stupid on Twitter.

    I want to believe that the majority of people around me would infact not want to cast death sentences haphazardly like that but rather they’re just expressing how they feel. It’s a way to signal to the group. “Elon is a nazi and deserves to die” roughly tanslates to “boo Elon”

    He who is without sin can cast the first stone.

  • If artificial intelligence doesn’t work why are they trying to make us all use it?

    But it does work. It’s not obviously flawless but it’s orders of magnitude better than it was 10 years ago and it’ll only improve from here. Artificial intelligence is a spectrum. It’s not like we succesfully created it and it ended up sucking. No, it’s like the first cars; they suck compared to what we have now but it’s a huge leap from what we had before.

    I think the main issue here is that the common folk has unrealistic expectations about what AI should be. They’re imagining what the “final product” would be like and then comparing our current systems to that. Ofcourse from that perspective it seems like it’s not working or is no good.

  • It seems cold but it makes sense and I can’t really blame USA for doing that.

    Another aspect to consider is that by gradually increasing support, it blurs the moments when so-called ‘red lines’ are being crossed. If we had provided Ukraine with Western cruise missiles, tanks, and jets from the start of the conflict, and allowed them to strike into Russia proper, there would have been a legitimate risk of major escalation. Instead, by slowly ramping up support, it’s much harder for Russia to pinpoint a specific moment when a line was crossed.