• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • DandomRude@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneDragon rule
    2 days ago

    I’ve just accidentally burnt my boss to ashes. I then scratched my smartphone while I was writing this. Bloody fire breath and claws. I can’t even get through the door because my wings are in the way. And how am I supposed to pay tax on this huge gold hoard? Damn you, random internet people!

  • Yes, it’s certainly not easy to check facts live. But you can at least be well prepared, especially as the questions are asked by the journalists and they should also know the usual claims made by the candidates. I also don’t think it’s necessary to check every figure. I just mean that it makes sense to name obvious false statements as such - Trump has made enough of them, and most of them were anything but new. And yes, it is of course also true that there are fact-checks after the fact, but I think that this is often not noticed at all. The presidential debates are an event that many people watch, but unfortunately only a few inform themselves afterwards. That’s why I think it’s necessary to expose at least the grossest untruths immediately.

  • Yes, Dali would have been great as the emperor.

    But Jodorowsky’s unfinished Dune project still had a significant influence on several major science fiction films and media, despite never being completed:

    1. Alien (1979)
    • Dan O’Bannon, who worked on Jodorowsky’s Dune, later wrote the Alien script
    • H.R. Giger’s designs for Dune inspired his work on the Xenomorph
    • The Alien Xenomorph’s design has roots in Giger’s Harkonnen Castle concept for Dune
    1. Star Wars (1977)
    • George Lucas was reportedly influenced by the Dune storyboards and designs
    • Jabba the Hutt’s appearance may have been inspired by Baron Harkonnen’s design
    1. Blade Runner (1982)
    • Ridley Scott hired Dan O’Bannon and Moebius, who had worked on Jodorowsky’s Dune, to help create the futuristic world
    1. Contact (1997)
    • The opening space sequence was allegedly inspired by Jodorowsky’s planned opening for Dune
    1. The Incal (1980s graphic novel series)
    • Jodorowsky and artist Moebius recycled many concepts from their Dune work into this influential comic series

    Check out the documentary “Jodorowsky’s Dune” (2013). It explores how the pre-production work and assembled team for this unrealized film went on to influence much of modern science fiction cinema. It’s worth a watch.

  • I think he fired his PR team because the image they had built up for him had gone to his head. Then there was the financial success that came with it. He probably believed that he really is a genius who is not dependent on anyone but himself - he is obviously still convinced of this abstruse idea. Yet it has always been the case that Musk was the biggest problem for his companies. It really is a PR masterstroke to hide the fact that he is actually rather incompetent for so long. This man lives exclusively from the achievements of others. This is proven by the fact that he reached a settlement with the actual founders of Tesla to allow him to call himself a Tesla co-founder - which he is not. In my eyes, Musk is the personification of the most fundamental problem that our society has: He merely takes credit for the hard work and remarkable expertise of his employees in order to present all of this to the public as the achievement of a supposedly exceptional person. This is how people like Musk and Trump, for example, see themselves. However, their miserable decisions show that they are nothing of the sort. Hubris is the term psychology uses for such inaccurate overestimation of oneself.

  • Well, that’s a real problem. In this case, there is probably nothing much to do but rely on the civil courage of citizens and hope that someone will at least take down the license plate number or that maybe a critical mass will form quickly enough to detain these idiots until the police arrives. I am glad that such actions by fascists do not (yet) exist in my country (Germany). In the city where I live, even a whole bunch of sad Nazis would have no fun at all if they tried something like that. But that can be quite different elsewhere in my home country too. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you find a way to deal with these morons. Be save!

    Edit: In Germany, this kind of behavior might be enough to be investigated for forming a terrorist organization - which is what is being attempted here: spreading terror. Perhaps you can collect signatures to persuade your representatives to take action.

  • Then it’s not a question of free speech, I suppose. I’m not from the US, but I assume that demonstrations have to be registered in your country too. If this is the case, the police can easily crack down, break up these illegal gatherings, impose fines and so on. I am of course aware that there are sympathizers among the police - but they have to abide by the law if they want to keep their jobs. I don’t understand why there is any need for a discussion about freedom of expression at all when these demonstrators just disrupt public order and try to intimidate people. That has nothing to do with freedom of speech - sound more like a felony to me.