Sounds like a fake troll story, but then again I have known people to be this narcissistically unaware before in real life, so who knows. YTA clearly. Don’t perv on anyone. Her reaction indicates PTSD from a past assault, which you then gleefully triggered. I still don’t believe this story is even true because of its horribleness. If you are a troll, I hope you get bored. 🥱
Like another commenter said, attracting insects can help, by providing food for pollinators and other bugs which also help feed smaller animals which then feed larger animals etc. Never ever use herbicide/pesticide, or artificial fertilizer. (For example, anything with glyphosate in it will kill anything with permeable skin in the area. Salamanders will die from levels even below EPA standards of safe drinking water.) If you need fertilizer use compost.
Even better: kill your lawn. Let native wildflower species take over. If it all turns to clover, you don’t even have to mow it.
The main problem is our economic system which demands infinite, unsustainable profit and expansion, so at the very least get the conversation going on that. I know it’s impossible for an individual to fight the whole world, but that’s why organizing is important. You must build a large enough group to become a force for change.
In the meantime, since we aren’t ready to kill capitalism, make your own space as much of a sanctuary as it can be.