It’s boring to add /s every time, please consider everything sarcastic.


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Joined 20 days ago
Cake day: February 12th, 2025


  • Thanks for sharing this experience.

    One mistake of East Germany (and Russia and China) was that their basic education is not that bad so people are able to figure out things don’t add up. America might be immune to this issue as it’s advancing to authoritarian.

    Plus there are ultra rich class to assist and fine tune the brainwash technology to micro targeting each individual ( the “self selected“ influencers are not selected by yourself after all)

  • I appreciate your honesty. The fact you got many upvotes confirmed my previous guess that this type of insecurity, the fear of not being loved is quite popular among Americans. Been to many global south countries and Europe, I think that sentiment was very far from facts, so many people around the world just love the American culture, at least in Obama years, and even first year of Trump I.

    Now with Trump, who himself apparently has this insecurity personally and remaking America in his own image, this insecurity is being established nationally and internalized and getting reinforced.