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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • If you were genuinely asking then apologies for the misunderstanding. Yet the question is one of those “you are prolife? You support killing babies?” type situations.

    I never mentioned Hamas or said they also are acting in good faith, as that isnt the topic called into question.

    Hamas acting in good faith has nothing to do with this. They aren’t the one making claims.

    Israel is the one making the claims here, and the question is if they are making the claim in good faith or trying to justify their genocidal campaign against Palestine.

    It smells like propaganda and Israel has been doing nothing but fishing for an excuse to justify their “retaliation” efforts, especially with the backlash from other countries.

  • If you were genuinely asking then apologies for the misunderstanding. Yet the question is one of those “you are prolife? You support killing babies?” type situations.

    I never mentioned Hamas or said they also are acting in good faith, as that isnt the topic called into question.

    Hamas acting in good faith has nothing to do with this. They aren’t the one making claims.

    Israel is the one making the claims here, and the question is if they are making the claim in good faith or trying to justify their genocidal campaign against Palestine.

    It smells like propaganda and Israel has been doing nothing but fishing for an excuse to justify their retaliation, especially with the backlash from other countries.

  • No. I’m sketch that Isreal is hiding something that they were doing on site near the festival and is using the event (not affiliated with Israel, just a rave that happened to be on site) as a cover for the reason Hamas chose it as a target.

    There is the possibility that something is unknown here and innocent civilians on Israel’s side were stuck in the crossfire. When I mentioned civilians being reservist it is more than any could be apart of something the others don’t know about. So some were there for the rave, others could be there for something off record that warranted tanks on standby.

    Then there is Hamas using the Palestinian plight as a cover for their goals. They very well could have their own political goals that are not readily apparent. So reality we might never truly know “why” the site was targeted.

    I have no evidence to support it. I just cannot understand what significance or benefit Hamas attributed to a rave that warranted going through all the trouble of bypassing Israel defenses.

  • So underpaid and overworked entry level laborers aren’t cleaning them to sterile perfection. Oh no. Shocker

    Counter point: if the screen is covered, what makes you think the door handle those same hands are touching is sanitary? What about the table and chair you’re sitting at? Other people sit there too, do you really think those tables are getting wiped down after every single patron leaves?

    This is why we wash our hands before we eat.

  • In a just society these would be allowed to relieve all cashiers from their positions to pursue their passions.

    But we must slave away to justify our existence because a few rich fucks don’t want to share and established that mindset as the cornerstone of society.

    I just wanted to wail into the void about automation and how our loves could be so much better if people would just lose the chains already.

  • Objectively looking at our system of economics and governance has proven to not take the interests and plights of the people seriously, and is routinely highjacked by special interests to further their wealth and power at the expense of the working class and global environment.

    If no fundamental change is made then …

    millions will die.

    And those in power will write it off as an acceptable cost of doing business. They already have.

    That isn’t a hypothetical. That is the reality of climate change on our current trajectory that our current systems fail to accept and do something about.

    So to answer your question, there is no alternative people are trying to speak of. Our society is already crumbling and it is not salvageable.

    So we have a choice not about alternatives, but on if ending it now would mitigate casualties as opposed to letting the train derail naturally.

    At least if we willingly make effort to change we can have some control of the situation in favor of the working class or at least have solace we died on our feet than on our knees