I used to drink mare milk all the time to help with my neurodermatitis! still miss the taste a bit…
Artisan shop: NuanenOrúm
Intersex, disabled and proud!
Solarpunk Anarcho-Transhumanist
Mastodon: @nuanenorum@todon.eu
previously known as u/polaropossum on reddit… rest in piss
I used to drink mare milk all the time to help with my neurodermatitis! still miss the taste a bit…
you make people eat things they hate and they kill each other over boulders in the visible vicinity. sometimes the higher power tries its best to kill them, other times you get 36 milk.
so, professional scratch?
it would be neat if you could not only group communities together, but also post to that “multireddit” and have the post appear on every community included in it. that way you can have a grouping of all the tech coms for example and not have to repost to each one manually.
hes really going for gold in the scumlympics
he GONE series by Michael Grant. Ive wished for a series based on the books since I first touched them.