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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Not really. Using % of forecast area as % chance of rain inherently gives equal weight to your position being anywhere within that area. Even if you limit the forecast area to the 5m or whatever it is radius that smartphone GPS is typically accurate to which a weather app could theoretically do, simply using % of the forecast area covered as % chance of rain inherently gives equal probability of you being literally anywhere within that 5m radius. It would obviously still be more accurate, but those numbers wouldn’t be the same thing.

  • To be fair, calling them “wings” was to my knowledge more about linking them to how chicken wings as a dish were prepared and presented than a statement on where the meat came from on the bird.

    I don’t know much about this case in particular but it fits into a long pattern of activist conservative judges basically legislating from the bench to protect business interests. So it’s unsurprising that one of them would basically say “no one actually believes the wing part, so there’s no reason for them to believe the boneless part either, and therefore there’s no liability if there are bones in the product.”

  • A couple things. First, you might need to freshen up on your Schoolhouse Rock, because this is not true:

    The 60 vote thing is true. It’s referring to the filibuster and cloture procedures in the Senate.

    When a bill comes up for consideration in the Senate, first it gets brought up for debate. A filibuster is when someone usually opposed to the bill makes this debate go on as long as possible to delay a vote on the bill. This process has been shorthanded a lot in recent years so senators merely need to indicate intent to filibuster so that the Senate can still attend to other business such as committee hearings and the whole chamber isn’t locked in by the filibuster.

    Since the entire GOP is bent on obstructing the Democratic party agenda this means in practice that you need to use Cloture to end the filibuster and bring the bill up for a vote. This is why we see so many things crammed into the Budget Reconciliation bill. It’s one of the only bills that can’t be filibustered like that. For pretty much all other things if you don’t have 60 senators willing to vote for Cloture the bill is dead on arrival.

  • I mean asexual doesn’t necessarily imply aromantic and vice versa. I don’t really think you need your own desire to have sex with someone to be able to tell they’re hitting on you right? A ton of lesbians regularly have to deal with men trying to get in their pants. I just take it one step further and don’t really want to have sex with anybody on my own.