• 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think without striving to match reddit’s formatting exactly, at the moment just putting one up and pinning it would be a good start prior to figuring out an automated solution. Could be tedious but having a reminder to refresh it each week or so until better tools come out is a solution. As the other META discussion thread today and previous ones have brought up, I think there’s a concern that users may just feel this community is bogged by update threads only, so having a manually pinned thread as a placeholder for now would give a better impression for new users, a sign that this place is for any posts about manga, just that the low-effort updates tend to be the most common due to being easy even for ex-lurkers like me.

  • At the moment, the source code of the bot seems to look at only mangaplus and takes some sort of catalogue of what might be at the top of the release day, which often includes some less popular releases at the moment. This does miss out on a lot of other popular titles that aren’t mangaplus, though of course new bots could be brought in to fix this.

    I do agree that not having a super timely bot to post immediately upon a popular title drop release can result in some missed comments, but I actually think that the majority of user posts here so far are fairly timely. I don’t speak for everyone but I used to actually use r/manga for all my updates rather than an aggregator or tracking site since I liked seeing the discussions at the same time, so it wasn’t as paramount for me that the posts were immediate upon availability.

    This comment here and that I’ve also added to the body of the main post I think better sums up my original post’s intention as well as to what I think could help with actual user engagement. Having chapters being posted by one actually invested person could give way to better engagement.