My previous experience in remote trash piles says pack rats, lol.
My previous experience in remote trash piles says pack rats, lol.
Links to an ad for me… :(
Dunno if it’s what they are talking about, but I bought a set of the GraniteStone brand and fell in love. So much so that I bought a complete second set and a giant frying pan, lol
I don’t know if this will help or not, but nobody else has answered, so here it goes. I work in a pharmacy, and we have a couple of patients that we do allergy shots for. Worst case scenario, we pull an epipen off the shelf if things go south. Find you a locally owned pharmacy, call them and explain the situation. Ask if they can administer the shot, or if they can point you in a direction at least. It’s worth a shot, and might get you an answer even if they don’t do it themselves.