• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I grew up in a family of medical doctors, it came with its own set of similar challenges. Every problem discussion always revolved exclusively around solutions or practical harm reduction. I suspect God forbade the doctors from talking just for emotional support.

    Every problem I ever had (completely normal ones included) was medicalized and pathologized, neatly classified and wrapped in a set of actionable instructions: “this is how you get better, this is how you allow it to get worse”.

    I still remember coming home from school and sitting down at the dining table, eating my sausages with buckweed, while my dad, mom and older sister discuss methods and techniques to install a urethral catheter in a person with a broken phallus.

    It wasn’t good or bad, it was just weird I guess. Hey, at least I am not scared of blood/trauma/desease, and in a some cases I believe it allowed me to stomach helping people in need, when other people would turn away out of disgust or disturbance.

  • My first encounter with Linux was in 2007, I installed Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon on my dad’s computer out of curiosity - I was intrigued by a notion of free OS you can deeply customize.

    I have spent countless hours fiddling with the system, mostly ricing (Compiz Fusion totally blew my mind) and checking out FOSS games.

    Decades later I switched to Linux full-time. After 12 years of daily driving OS X and working as a developer, I wanted a customizable and lean OS that is easy to maintain and control. Chose Arch, then Nix, havent looked back ever since.

  • I’ve been using Git professionally as a software developer for 15 years, and I think it sucks quite hard. There is always a dosen ways to do the same thing, it occupies tons of hardware space, it’s log is unstructured data that has to be parsed. Git CLI is an incomprehensible mess of bloat and misnomers, so no matter what team/project you are working on, there is always going to be 1-5 Git commands they’ll tell “you are NEVER supposed to use”.

    I’ve completed my courses on Git, I’ve worked with CI/CD, onboarded younger developers, read “Git Koans”, and I haven’t seen even a theoretically convenient VCS until someone showed me Pijul.

    Git is mess, it sucks that we are stuck with it, and every time someone says it’s the best VCS we have, it saddens me.

  • All software is political, riddled with biases and potential security risks. Most of the time we ignore the policy of the software, because we either agree with that policy, or are conditioned not to clock it as a “policy”, because “this is just Common Sense™”.

    I suspect, if the author would have been more honest with themselves, they’d write something along the lines of “turns out, software is a platform for political action, and it scares me” - an opinion that is very valid, valuable and thought-provoking.

  • The future’s wasteland will be covered by bodies of web stalkers who were naive enough to get tricked by mid-2010s shitposts.

    “Turns out they never used this to make their metal cutlery darker - who would have thought the ancients were so casually cruel?”

    “After months of research we have concluded, that despite all their technical achievements, the ancients never figured out, what does the fox say”

    “Today prof. Drobyshevsky is going to tell us about their newest work in XXI cent. anthropology - what is ‘streamer dent’ and why do we have such long heads 2300 years later?”

    “Ass, coochie and the rich - dietary practices of homo sapiens in the age of over-production”

  • I’m in the same boat - only started getting into Nix a couple months ago, with no proper engagement in the community yet

    I liked the breakdown posted by another user above. As far as I understood (I hope others will correct me) is that:

    1. One person, who happens to be a well-respected long-time contributor, was dismissive of others’ concerns about accepting funding from a MIC company.
    2. They got suspended for 6 weeks due to being affiliated with said company (?) and not having disclosed it properly.
    3. They went on Reddit to write about the situation, grossly misrepresenting it in their favor, turning their contributor cred into vocal support in reddit comments.
    4. All of that is happening while the community as a whole is struggling with scalability and transparency of organization, as well reaching an ethical consensus on the funding question.