Lodion 🇦🇺

Main account is here

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • I’ve found email verification is finnicky to say the least. The Lemmy UI has some issues with users being stuck with spinning icons at various points for a start.

    In the back end… email is a pain. If you’re using a public cloud VM and using the Lemmy provided docker/ansible postfix image, your users are unlikely to receive the verification emails as your server’s IP address is likely n a DNSBL somewhere.

    If you use a third party SMTP service you may have more luck… but even then you’ll likely have issues.

    I’ve disable email verification for these reasons, and rely on the answer to the signup question to vet applicants.

  • Ok, figured it out myself. For anyone else that needs it…

    Run a shell within the postgres docker container:

    docker exec -it <sitename>_postgres_1 sh

    Connect to the postgres service:

    psql -U lemmy -h -p 5432 -d lemmy

    Connect to the lemmy database:

    \c lemmy

    Then the user table: \d local_user

    Find the user ID of the account you want to manually toggle, probably #1:

    SELECT * from local_user;

    Then update the email_verified and _accepted_application flag on the first account:

    UPDATE local_user SET email_verified = ‘t’, accepted_application = ‘t’ WHERE id = 1;

    lemmy=# UPDATE local_user SET email_verified = ‘t’, accepted_application = ‘t’ WHERE id = 3; UPDATE 1 lemmy=# UPDATE local_user SET email_verified = ‘t’, email_verified= ‘t’ WHERE id = 3; UPDATE 1 lemmy=#