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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That basic idea is roughly how compression works in general. Think zip, tar, etc. files. Identify snippets of highly used byte sequences and create a “map of where each sequence is used. These methods work great on simple types of data like text files where there’s a lot of repetition. Photos have a lot more randomness and tend not to compress as well. At least not so simply.

    You could apply the same methods to multiple image files but I think you’ll run into the same challenge. They won’t compress very well. So you’d have to come up with a more nuanced strategy. It’s a fascinating idea that’s worth exploring. But you’re definitely in the realm of advanced algorithms, file formats, and storage devices.

    That’s apparently my long response for “the other responses are right”

  • Never do this.

    Git is all about tracking changes over time which is meaningless with binary files. They are bloat for your repo, slowing down operations. Depending on the repo, they are likely to change from CI with every commit. That last one means that every commit turns into 2 commits btw. They are can ruin diffs. I could go on for a long time here.

    There are basically 0 upsides. Use an artifact repository instead!

  • Lodra@programming.devtoNews@lemmy.worldJoe Biden ends re-election campaign
    2 months ago

    I think this is a side effect of sharing and discussion these events online, especially in a link aggregator like Lemmy. You can you see inconsistent views presented in multiple threads yet they feel as if you’re interacting with the same group of people.

    Some people are happy about this turn of events while others are not. I expect that you’re seeing differing major opinions from separate groups of people.

  • A complicated plugin ecosystem (e.g. Jenkins) makes for a terrible use experience. It’s annoying to configure a bunch of config files. Managing dependencies can be a complete nightmare. these problems also complicate your ci/cd.

    So I’ll offer a slightly different answer. I prefer a single file instead of splitting up the config. And I’ll use OpenTelemetry as an excellent example of why. the plugins are compiled right into the app binary. This offers a ton of advantages, including a great reason to merge all of your app configs in a single file.

    This really only works well if you have a good app though.

  • I only have anecdotal info for based on some reading I did last year. As far as I recall, the program and software are new. So they’re slowly building up features for more complicated tax scenarios an in turn, slowly making it accessible to more of the population.

    It’s just a matter of time before this is widely available. I read the post title as “we succeeded in this first year’s test and plan to continue the program”.

  • Open source software literally means that the source code is available to anyone. In GitHub, that just means that your repo is public rather than private. But your method technically doesn’t matter. You could publish to a forum if you wish. That’s still open source!

    Free OSS just means that anyone is free to use and modify the source code for any purpose. The details are usually defined in a LICENSE file.

    I feel like you’re really asking about the common practices and methods used in FOSS. Right? If so, that’s entirely up to you as the maintainer. As the project matures, you may attract other contributors which will in turn will motivate change to your tools and methods.

    Start with what works for you. Model after similar projects if you wish. Adjust as change is needed.

  • I’m generally not a big fan of big social media like e.g. Facebook where you might have many thousands of followers, purposefully grow the numbers, etc. I personally think these things are an everyday evil. Yes, it’s a bit melodramatic 🙂but that’s how I feel. Reddit, and now Lemmy are about as far as I like to go with it.

    So the isolation of geo-local-only federation is a feature. The feature, actually. I want an entire social media platform that isn’t capable of focusing on single accounts. Where you are near guaranteed to interact with your local community only. Where it would take a dramatic effort for a single actor to influence global opinions. I want a social media platform that isn’t so easy to manipulate. I could go on and on.

  • After reading your responses, it seems like we’re describing two different methods of building this system.

    Your ideas seems to depend on having many instances for various regions, where all instances are federated with each other. So my local instance somewhere in the US would still be federated with for example, an instance in Germany. But the content I receive would be heavily focused on “nearby” content. Interesting

    My ideas are based on an important difference. An instance for my town would only federate with instances for the surrounding towns. Maybe one or two more “hops” away. So sharing content between my local instance and one in Germany would be impossible. Content on my local instance would only be accessible to users in nearby instances. Local content enforced by local federation.

  • I spent several weeks thinking about this exact idea.

    Federation is cool. You could set up each instance to only federate with instances for nearby towns and cities. Maybe a “2 district” radius. Users would only see content for their local communities. Local news stays local. Local government could officially participate if they wish. People you talk to are actually neighbors you might see in person. Larger regions like counties, states, provinces, or even countries, could also have dedicated instances and federate similarly. I think this is the big appeal and it sounds awesome!

    There are a few problems 🙂

    First is a little bit of confusion with posting. Let’s say that I see a post about a cool new restaurant in my town. I share it with a friend who lives a few towns away and that’s outside the “federation radius”. I can’t share the post with that friend very easily. Maybe the tools could be enhanced to make this viable?

    Second is a matter of privacy. How do you know that new accounts belong to people associated with the geographic location of each instance? If you don’t validate, the system will certainly be abused. If you do validate, then users need to supply some real info! Home address, ID, etc. that’s a big deal for users and instance admins.

    Third. What happens if you move? Do you have to abandon your old account and start over? Again, the system itself can be developed further to solve this. But that’ll take time and money.

    Next is the operating costs. You would need to build thousands of instances to build this system up. And each one would have to be tied to a geographic region. You need new features to handle signups this way. You have the simple cost of running these servers. You probably need a lot of staff to manage it all. This is an expensive platform for one party to run. Alternatively…

    It doesn’t have to be one party running this entire system. That’s the point of the Fediverse, right? The operational costs go way down if anyone can run their own instance. But how do you enforce the rules of federating with instances for geographically nearby locations? I don’t see a reasonable way to solve this one.

    I could probably keep listing issues. But these are the big ones IMO. If you solve these, the system is viable and could be amazing.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t remember the source so we may need to go digging. But I recall reading that something like 1/3 of all bugs are related to memory safety. And those bugs translate to things like buffer overflow and privilege escalation attacks.

    The proclaimed advantage is that by making the entirety of Rust memory safe, that entire class of bugs simply won’t exist for projects written in Rust. When they do happen, the bugs will be addressed by the language rather than many thousands of downstream projects. It should be an enormous gain in development performance for the world.

    I think the idea makes sense. Time will tell us how well that works.