• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

    Definition wise, it‘s clearly social media. I get it though, the corporate giants feel more rage bait-y due to the algorithms they employ.

  • Despite his new eyes, man was still rooted in matter, his soul spun into it and subordinated to its blind laws. And yet he could see matter as a stranger, compare himself to all phenomena, see through and locate his vital processes. He comes to nature as an unbidden guest, in vain extending his arms to beg conciliation with his maker: Nature answers no more, it performed a miracle with man, but later did not know him.

    To sum up how I understand this poetic piece of text (The Last Messiah from a Norwegian philosopher Zapffe). It‘s a feature of consciousness, that we can even perceive ourselves as apart from nature. Considering our subjugation of it in various ways and currently underway destruction of the climate, it makes sense to me too to differentiate.

  • I wonder if some of them feel similar to me. It just doesn‘t feel like a positive thing to put anyone into this world, which seems largely exploitative and hostile towards my economic class. All I have to look forward to is to work my whole life to pay the rent and food and all that for what? To destroy nature with everything one does or purchases, to participate in what is basically a pyramid scheme.

    For those that do feel similar I can say this, some subsidies for parents won‘t make us create more children, where I am we already give a lot of our taxes for the parents here and it doesn’t change my mind to get a few hundred € a month extra, which just about offsets some of the implicit cost of children anyway. They can punish, threaten, spread panic, or reward obedience and all that in any way they like, I won‘t put anyone into a similar existence to what I experience, simple as.

    So from my perspective, they‘d have to actually fix our economic situations for working class people first (much lower inequality and higher wages) and ALSO fix climate change, which I just don‘t see happening.

  • This reads like DARVO - Corporate Edition with a derogatory jab towards free time and unions both.

    I work 30h now too and thus I suppose this is aimed at people like me, but tell you what: the job I applied to was actually only approved by HR/payroll for 30h max, the company doesn‘t WANT to pay more than this and they knew they wouldn‘t find anyone experienced to sell 40h of their life for such a measly salary.

    So we managed to find a mutually beneficial agreement, I get to live and exist like a frugal monk, perpetually renting and never owning anything (the European dream!), and they filled a position at 70%, pocketing 30% of the salary they would have had to pay to attract a full time worker.

    Now, how is it my fault I can’t spend like an American and the economy stagnates then? It‘s maybe a shared responsibility, but truly, the company is the one in charge here and if they told me I have to work full time and get that 30% more pay too, I probably would (since I kinda like my current job oddly enough and don‘t want to switch again yet).

  • Growing up we had a dog and my mother got a lot out of it, mainly cause she made me deal with the shit (literally) parts, while she enjoyed the affection and fun playing time. The barking was a nightmare too and I was not equipped as a teenager to train a dog.
    So I naturally ended up strongly biased against pet ownership.

    Now if someone has a lot of fun doing all that and the right knowledge, knock yourself out, but I‘m glad if there is more of a nuanced discussion and warning about the downsides too.

    Namely that getting a pet, or a kid for that matter, isn‘t a fix for mental health issues. It‘s a lot of responsibility, which I‘m sure can be rewarding too, but some research or training should happen before at least.

  • Not sure if that is what you mean here, but when I was in University I started taking speed to try and keep up with studying despite my ADHD/depression.

    And not just a bit either, but quite a lot and I must have overdone it and stayed up too many nights in a row once. I remember trying to go through my day, while I constantly spotted what could only be described as “shadow people”, whenever I tried to directly look at them they would be gone, but then I‘d see it again just near the edges of my field of view. It was one very creepy day and what led to me finally admitting I can‘t do it anymore.

    So I ended up dropping out, found a job in IT and got therapy and some more reasonable ADHD meds too. Still, I imagine that is what being schizophrenic might be like and I did not enjoy that at all.