• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • I think self inmolation protests tend to linger for a while. While you personally may not know every person to do it, I do think it gets attention and I remember them. I dont think i couod ever forget the videos ive seen. Certainly the witnesses and people who cleaned up the remains will remember forever.

    None of us have a guarantee of life. We aren’t entitled to life. There’s nothing saying he wouldn’t have died of cancer in 3 years anyways. This is similar to people saying “what if you aborted the future scoentist to cure cancer?” It’s nonsense based on an intangible future.

    None of us are entitled to work from another person. I mean this really sincerely, the state believes we belong to them and forces work out of us because we live in a giant work camp. So that’s the legal basis for why the state stops us from self harm - denying them the economic advantages of my labor.

    He did dedicate the rest of his life to causes he believed in.

  • As a white woman who’s gotten tickets - I only open my window 2-3 inches to hand my documents through. It’s all I am obligated to do so we can communicate and I can provide documentation. Considering the amount of rape and murder the police conduct, I think this is reasonable. Idk why this man has to have his window down too. I’ve rolled mine up during traffic stops when it was very cold or very hot, as Florida probably is right now. It’s a huge abuse of power and completely unnecessary to attack a citizen for rolling up a window. No one should defend this. It’s fascism. There’s no crime for rolling up windows.