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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I gave you some from a girl to help balance things out!

    But I can promise you, from many years net positive on reddit and a not disimilar result here, that you’re not reading your own tone.

    Be mindful of the tone, only come off as combative against a near universally disliked topic, and know when you don’t care to curate yourself and are ready for the downvotes.

    Your wording here makes you out to be combative, and people are combative in response. Read your own comments as if they’re directed AT you. And look specifically at what’s likely to make you want to argue back. You may even be surprised at what can get net positive response with the right wording.

  • Isn’t it really insensitive to point out a trans girls’ penis? Like I can only imagine having transitioned successfully in every other way, feeling almost completely comfortable with your body… but then someone sees your bulge and just has to remind you of your balls and triggering dysmorphic feelings. Rude much?

    While I’m in questioning rant mode: What’s with the thing of calling people trans+gender in the first place? Is a trans girl not allowed to just be a girl?

    I’m sure many people have good intentions, but it really feels like accidental mean behavior to spotlight something that should be between partners, doctors, and close friends/family who can be trusted keep reminding someone they were born into a body that felt wrong.

    Pardon my rant. Just confused/frustrated at some things.

  • I surprised someone in my (very mixed age) friend group when, mid-game, I went to KnowYourMeme to look up the history of “gyatt” and what the heck it meant to see if the name of the random player “WhatTheGyatt” was inappropriate or not.

    The fact that the word had history evoked surprise.

    I still don’t LIKE it, but now I know where it came from and what they’re trying to say.

    (I also had to look up “rizz” because my not-school-aged brain thinks it sounds like jizz and was confused why a bunch of kids would be playing cum tag??? Turns out, it does NOT mean jizz)

  • I personally love cheesebreather, bloodmouth, and milk-drinker.

    Bonus points to milk-drinker because that’s not even a term made by vegans to call people coward babies. Play Skyrim and you’ll hear it all over the place!

    Carnist doesn’t count because it’s not technically an insult. It’s just a name for someone that practices carnism. Carnism IS terrible, but the purpose of the word is no different than Christian to Christianity.

    It’s hilarious that carnists get so butthurt about being called what they are though so I enjoy that part.

  • The internet has ruined me. I fully expected a punchline about uninstalling Life.

    Great game though, agreed. Stupid thing had me waking up at 6am as a child to attend morning aerobics.

    And Kiki stole something from me before I could save with it. I forget if it was an igloo item or a painting. I liked her but not at that moment! Looking back though, little frustrations like that made the game more charmingly alive.

  • No kids. They’re a huge, life long commitment that you need to be willing to sacrifice everything for. Your happiness, your sanity, your time, your money… everything.

    And I’m not the type of person who wants kids nearly enough to do that.

    Especially when people tell me that I should for reasons like having a caretaker when I’m older. I’m not attached to my parents enough to do that. Why would I expect that of anything I pop out? And what a horrible selfish reason to make a new human that is!

    If the only reason I’d be having a kid is selfish reasons in the distant future that aren’t even a guarantee, then that’s not worth sacrificing myself for right now.

    Nothing against other people who want to be parents, so long as they’re prepared and not doing it as some sort of life insurance or to make a clone of themselves.