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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Look, Identity is what u identify as. If you identify differently then that’s ur new identity. If You say you are a trans woman and had a femboy phase where you were in denial, than your identity is a tran woman who was always a trans woman but was previous in denial. That’s a valid identity.

    So let’s say there is a amab who likes feminine things. They get rejected by geneeal society, but feels comfy in queer settings. But now people say: Hey! Ur trans! Take hormones it will make you happy! There’s two ways this can go, but if it wasn’t completly their own decision but peer pressure. And peer pressure which changes your body for live is extremely toxic.

    I understand that you are mad that there wasn’t somebody who told you: Hey, you are an egg, just accept yourself as trans, its okay to be trans. I wish that it was that easy. But after starting hormones, sometimes there are doubt’s “what if I’m not really tans”? etc. And if you can push the decision to other people that just makes it worse. " I only started hormones because of the other person, she told me I would be happier. I’m not happier, I hate her"

    Being trans is about taking your future, your body, your Identity in your own hands. Giving a big fuck to society and proclaim yourself to the world. Its not about saying “this makes you trans”, " that makes you trans", its about “this makes me happy”

    And please write stop writing that aggressive. I’m attacking your post, not you as a person. I will probably stop responding because it stresses me out.

  • Thats very gender essentialist. Gender expression is not the same AS gender identity. Don’t push your own experiences on others. I for example never had a femboy-phase and am still trans femm. Does this make me less trans? A trans guy who likes dresses, is he less of a man? No! What about non binary people? You basically say that femininity is not for men which is bullshit. People don’t always know their gender or are exploring, but identity changes with your own idea of self. If you say “I’m a femboy” and then later on say “I’m a trans girl”, both are true because Identity can change! If you say I Identify as lesbian, later on then discover that ur bi, that doesn’t mean ur previous Identity was wrong, it just means that u now identify differently. If someone says they identify with a gender, than that’s that. You don’t get to tell them they are wrong.