How do you get better at playing the guitar without actually playing the guitar?
(edit): Point taken, but “playing the guitar” still wins by a mile
How do you get better at playing the guitar without actually playing the guitar?
(edit): Point taken, but “playing the guitar” still wins by a mile
While I agree with others pointing out the oddity of a portable server in general: this sounds like a great use-case for a laptop.
Built-in battery, wifi you can broadcast out as a hotspot, and it even has a display/keyboard/mouse for troubleshooting!
An older laptop with the optical drive stripped out could have a 2.5” 5TB HDD in addition to the boot drive for some decent mobile storage.
The 2011 MacBooks were still Intel. Mine’s an i7.
I just recently did this test on an old MacBook Pro 2011 and installed Windows 10, Pop, and macOS in succession. Windows ran like ass and Pop and macOS ran about the same (fine). Settled on Pop for better Steam compatibility. Trust me, Windows is uniquely bad.
macOS is a UNIX OS and is far better than Windows on resource management.
The people defending him were also bloodthirsty right-wing fanatics.
Probably by mixing bleach into their food.
Elon: “Amateurs”
If he learns about wind, he could start a university.
I think the mobile app developers should run their own instances and default to that so it feels less confusing to new users.
Yep. I overwrote all my content and deleted my account, and the criminal enterprise known as Reddit violated COPPA by restoring it all, and now that the account is deleted, I can’t get back in to try again.
Also not great when you’re trying to explain something to a client.
I believe this is in itself a broad categorization.
Everyone talking about extraction seems to be missing one important thing: liquid water invites the possibility of life.
I’m a few weeks into sobriety and I gotta say, stopping drinking is an amazing feeling. I only had trouble sleeping one or two nights.
“Take off your mask and pose for a picture, coward.”
Remind them that they are cowards again and again.
They’ve been calling them “Joe and the Hoe” for years.
Just solved an issue with transcoding where I had to delete the codec. It redownloads on server launch so was an easy fix.