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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • If such an offspring were possible, (rape? Egg theft?)

    I would hope it got HER brains as well as looks. And her work ethic. Rerecording her entire oeuvre to wrench her copyrights back, for instance.

    Even the fact she says she’s made her decision, given her reasons, and left her fans’ choice up to them shows more intelligence, and respect for their intelligence, than E-boy or T-toddler has ever displayed.

  • It’s mostly delighted or pleased, although it can occasionally mean the opposite, especially in the military. I believe it started off as “proud.” This bunny is delighted and proud of his new rug.

    I’m amazed he knows how to use a litterbox and not just poop everywhere. That’s probably how he earned his nice rug!

  • Any picture of her face, on any campaign poster in any of her campaigns, shows her Black heritage. She doesn’t have to say anything about it, it’s obvious. And Harris is a common Black name. Her Asian heritage is not as apparent, so it bears mentioning. I might also mention that the Asian and Black communities have a history of discomfort with each other, so being obviously Black could have caused some Asian people who didn’t know her full heritage to vote for the white male Republican rather than a Black person. Black people have more experience with mixed-race heritage. Being a savvy politician, knowing how to approach different people, is a positive thing.

    But she’s always run on her own capability. It’s others who tout or disparage her racial experience.