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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I’m hoping she’s mostly just playing soft on Israel for now is to avoid more criticism of being antisemitic. When Israel started their attempted genocide, most of the Biden administration was silent on it, and we didn’t hear or see anything from Harris, when she did eventually have a public appearance about a month later, she was pretty much the first person in the administration to say anything remotely pro-peace.

    I’m probably just huffing copium but I hope she’s just taking AIPAC’s money (not sure if they are giving her any, but better in her hands than theirs) and getting through the election, and then going to go full prosecutor on Israel/Netanyahu.

  • I’d also add to this that a whole bunch of us have at least a few extended family members that we heard spouting similarly insane takes for as long as we can remember. But because they were the patriarchs or were unhinged enough that they’d ruin the family reunion or Thanksgiving for everyone, we all learned it was in our own best interest to never challenge them.

    We were conditioned from a early age to ignore it at go on with our lives, and they were conditioned that they could say more and more unhinged things and really never be challenged on it.

  • Why would you want another year of their software for free? This is their second screw up (apparently they sent out a bad update that affected some Debian and RHEL machines a couple years ago). I’d be transitioning to a competitor at the first opportunity. It seems they aren’t testing releases before pushing them out to customers, which is about as crazy to me as running alpha software on a production system.

    I’m sure you have reasons, and this isn’t really meant to be directed at you personally, it’s just boggling to me that the IT sector as a whole hasn’t looked at this situation and collectively said “fuck that.”

  • Understandably a lot of talk about YouTubers who have changed for the worse, but there have been a few who IMO have changed for the better. Granted, a good number are more towards the burnt-out end of the spectrum, and considering retirement within a few years.

    Jacksepticeye for example, used to put on a more energetic “youtubery” persona that appealed to the algorithm, and now he’s a lot more down to earth and considerably more pleasant to watch. That’s not to say the persona wasn’t still him, or that he was entirely fake for all those years, but I find his new content much more enjoyable than his older stuff - even if there is less of it.

  • They know the meaning. Most of the ones I grew up around chose to believe that since “separation of church and state” doesn’t appear in the Constitution that it was a fringe idea a couple of the founding fathers had, that “liberals” today have made into a bigger deal than it should be so they can keep “persecuting” Christians.

    Christian nationalism takes all the dogmatic thinking they have about the Bible being instructions from an infallible, all knowing God, that must be followed, and applies that thinking to the US Constitution and the founding fathers. Once you’re in the mindset of reading something like it’s absolute truth that can’t be questioned (at least the parts that tell you you’re wrong, the parts that say I’m wrong are different), it’s easy to get stuck in that mindset for everything you read.

  • I work night shift and use blackout curtains and earplugs to improve my sleep during the day. Rather than cranking the volume on my alarm so it’s loud enough to consistently wake me up, I use Home Assistant to turn on some smart bulbs as my alarm. When I started, and even now if I have to be up extra early, I also have an audible alarm set to go off a few minutes after the lights come on - just in case the light doesn’t wake me up, but at this point my brain has gotten used to waking up to the lights, and I usually wake up and turn off the other alarm before it goes off.

    Another useful automation for me is I have a buggy Samsung PC monitor that has all sorts of annoying issues; like not consistently waking from deep sleep which requires a hard power cycle to correct, and when it is asleep there’s some weird high pitched whine that beeps when the standby light flashes. I use a couple of smart plugs with power monitoring and monitor my PCs power draw to turn the power to my monitor on and off at the wall depending on if the PC is on.