“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
- Isaac Asimov, sarcastically making a point
“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
- Isaac Asimov, sarcastically making a point
I could see Teslas being considered weapons of mass destruction based on how difficult it is to extinguish fully-charged Li-ion battery fires, or have they changed the chemistry and electrolyte to something less dangerous by now?
“Judge not lest ye be judged.”
BuT iT’s In TeH bIBBle!
That’s a fair cop, but historically the Nazis of yesteryear were actually a lot more disorganized and stupid than we give them credit for, too. I mean, the entire “Master Race” thing is rooted in a deep misunderstanding about how genetics and evolution works on a functional level. Like, it’s literally a stupid position to have if you understand actual genetics. They were very stupid in other areas as well.
It would appear this is something they may have argued about a little at the Wannsee Conference…
Could you link to what they said that has you very bothered? So far in this post they seem pretty even-keeled and fun to chat with, but you seem to really have it out for them.
Thanks for the great beta! When it finally comes time for me to retire the ol’ 14 y/o flat-4, I’ll keep your advice in mind.
I wonder if biodegradable packing peanuts would work…I think they’re just starch, probably from corn.
I’d love to build a still someday…
No disputes from me on your assessment. In principle I’m a big fan of EVs as a maturing technology and my only hangup with Tesla is its association with the person who is its CEO and the role he’s chosen to play in US politics.
I’ll gladly champion a vehicle that has incredible efficiency in converting its stored energy into mechanical work, especially when that stored energy came from a source that’s 40-60% thermally efficient (for combustion-based processes) or derived from solar/wind/geothermal/hydro sources and can be partially recuperated via braking. It’s too bad there aren’t more EV options for people who want or need a 3/4 or 1-ton pickup (of which I happen to be a big fan for hauling/towing/plowing).
The one area where I’m still dubious of electric vehicles is in cold climates, although I think I’ve read heat pumps are being used with success. Otherwise, I’d propose a small auxiliary tank (preferably propane, if infrastructure permits) and a “Chinese diesel heater”-type unit be installed simply for cabin heating/defogging. Few energy conversions make me cringe more than that of high-exergy electricity (derived from non-renewables) directly into thermal energy, convenient as it may be for the end user.
Of course, it’d be nice if that combustive heat could be generated from sustainably-harvested hydrogen instead of an extracted hydrocarbon, but at that point, a fuel cell running a heat pump would be even better, with resistive waste heat from the FC an added bonus. But now it all feels a bit Rube Goldbergian…
Anyway, what’s your take on EV use in climates with harsh winters (such as Canada/Alaska/Montana/Wyoming/Minnesota), especially when long range might be needed?
Not to mention the electrical energy stored in their cells has a fairly strong possibility of having been generated by a power plant consuming coal or petroleum.
Teslas don’t run on gasoline.
It runs on them.
Assailant undercling
Blame Satan.