Must be nice to be “annoyed” by what is going on right now.
Must be nice to be “annoyed” by what is going on right now.
I’m proud of my inuit brothers and sisters. The Americans may finally fucking get the hint. Apparently it wasn’t enough to see that one inuk rip up American dollars when those cringe American youtubers came to give out maga hats an free money earlier this year.
Trump and his subhumans thought that the greenland-denmark conflict would benefit them, but honestly, it’s got nothing to do with them. We have tried to sort out our differences while America has been an annoying mosquito trying to make our relationship troubles about them. Dumbasses. Greenland is their own people. They are their own nation and someday it will be official, but we aren’t there yet and while they have a lot of issues with Denmark, there’s no doubt they prefer us over America until they can stand on their own feet. It was never a question.
I mean. WW2 was 80+ years ago.
For real. My preferred forum was closed I’m 2015 after 13 years active. Facebook killed it. I will never understand why people chose Facebook over that forum. You could blog and post pictures and chat with people in peace and quiet without having to deal with the entire world looking in on your cringe teenage angst.
Generally, I just remember how all these forums and blogsites that used to make up the internet were pretty much dead and gone by 2017. The art community went from having good platforms like Tumblr and deviantart to having to deal with the nightmare that is Instagram and Twitter. There still hasn’t been a good alternative to artists posting their artwork since Instagram took over. It was a shittification then and it has only gotten worse since. But people now have grown up with this bullshit and therefore they don’t question or demand better. They don’t know what it used to be like to be an artist online. It was fun and inspiring. AI slob hasn’t helped the matter either.
There have been protests in every single state for awhile now. At least that is what I have heard through the grapevine. I’m Danish so I haven’t seen the protests with my own two eyes, but I have seen pictures, read posts and talked to Americans who are out protesting. From what I have been told, it is unheard of that there are protests for the same cause in all 50 states at the same time. It is historic, but I’m not surprised that the greatest president who ever lived wouldn’t want that information to slip out in the media. It would hurt his fee-fees bigly.
Saying that current day Chinese concentration camps are nicer than some concentration camps America had in the past is very tone deaf.
Besides, I hear your president is talking about sending immigrants to guantanamo so maybe you guys get to compete with the Chinese on who has the nicest concentration camps in this say and age soon enough.
Oh, they have done shit like that for years. Removing black actors from their movie posters when sending their films to places like China, removing all LGBT stuff from their oh so diverse remakes when sending them to countries that dislike gay stuff.
They are so fake.
Their brand of diversity is some bs anyways so you don’t have to be pro Disney.
Remember, they gladly took help from a Chinese concentration camp to make their girl boss Mulan remake.
They also fired all their park workers during covid and gave themselves 10 million bonuses while their workers were surviving on food stamps. Some workers had even signed non compete clauses so they literally could not use their talents elsewhere to feed themselves.
Further more, Disneys current version of DEI is divisive, soulless and insincere.
It isn’t a black or white situation. You can hate Disney AND MAGA. To me, they are all two sides of the same rotten coin. Ruthless, selfish and greedy people who use others to get ahead and pull the ladder up after themselves.
Maybe some of the people who move away from the US are also doing their part to help their country in ways you haven’t thought of? They can still advocate for their values and beliefs even of they don’t live in the country. You have a very limited scope on what people are doing and not doing in this situation. You might benefit from calming your ego a little bit and consider that your way isn’t the only way to combat a facistic leader.
It’s good that you try and do your part, I just dislike your superiority complex about it and how you blindly judge anyone who reacts differently than what you deem the right way to handle the situation.
I’m sure you will be in the front of the resistance and put action to your words.
Those who flee when things get bad are also going somewhere for a better life.
And my example of applying your logic still fits as many people who come to the US have fled countries that were going to shit.
Are you going to say that for example every Philippino who has moved away for a better life because the Philippines is pretty shite to live in if your aren’t rich - are cowards?
You can think what I’m saying is annoying all you want, but you cannot just make a blanket statement for people who are leaving the US and calling them cowards without applying that logic to other people in other countries who have done the same. And I think most of us would get a bad taste in our mouths if we started saying that Philippinos are cowards for leaving their country instead of staying and fixing their country. It’s not that simple. Especially not for those groups in society who are being persecuted.
I don’t think that. I’m just applying your logic to the reality of the United States being a nation of immigrants who aren’t native to the land they inhabit. Therefore it is a nation built by cowards. People still migrate to the US today, btw. And they marry the descendants of the cowards so the cowardly traits will never die out there.
Or maybe, just maybe, people who migrate to another country are just looking for ways to live a free and happy life? Maybe those to move some place else have better opportunities somewhere else and they prefer to live in peace with their family rather than being potentially thrown in concentration camps or killed by their government. It is so easy to sit there and say that people who move away from an area are cowards. Just like it is easy for me to make the conclusion that all of US is cowardly because all of them (except the natives) either migrated there or descend from generation upon generation of migrants. You are correct in objecting to that conclusion and calling it strange because that is indeed a strange thing to conclude. Just like it is strange of you to conclude that those who move away from the US currently are cowards. It is strange and a downright foolish statement to make.
It’s relevant because if we go by your logic, then the entire country of USA is made by and for cowards since all of them, except for the native Americans, are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Ergo, the United States is inherently cowardly.
Have been donating to them yearly for a few years after they started their donation campaign. I forget how much I donate, but I’m considering raising my yearly donation now xD
Facts don’t care about your feelings, Elon.
This feels like the modern version of those people who gave out the numbers on their credit cards back in the 2000s and would freak out when their bank accounts got drained.
Indeed. I deleted my reddit account recently. I like it better here anyways. The pace is slower and the people seem more reasonable here too. My stress levels have decreased significantly since I left Meta and Reddit and that is at once wonderful and scary. Social media is a cancer.
Solidarity hug! I hope we will all have a better future ahead of us than the current trajectory. 🤗❤️
I miss what the world looked like when that lame ad was all the rage online. I know it was only months ago, but it feels like a decade.