The whole point of swearing on the bible was to get God to be involved in enforcing the oath. So your disbelief may negate this aspect. On the gripping hand, you also swear in front of a government representative to get the gubmint involved in enforcing the oath. And if it is in their interest to enforce the oath; they will. With guns if necessary.
@0uterzenith I have spent the last couple of days banging on this in anticipation of moving from Evernote. Both Obsidian and Joplin look like they would work for you. I’ve decided on Joplin for a number of reasons that are important to me.
I found a web browser extension called “MarkdownLoad” that lets you capture all or part of a web page and save it to a markdown file (.MD) that you can then import into either. Solves the one issue I was really worried about in moving from Evernote.