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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Naw, it wasn’t a bad experience overall, once I fell into the habit of mixing sick days with vacation days.

    They had some exploitable policies, doctors notes for 3+ sick days in a row but no questions asked about 1-2 days, vacation days with 2 weeks notice one day at a time with no right of refusal if there’s proper coverage.

    This meant you could book Wednesday to Friday off two weeks in a row, and call in sick Monday/Tuesday two weeks in a row, giving you 10 days off for the cost of 4 sick/ 6 vacay. Other exploitable shenanigans were possible around Stat holidays.

    The front line managers knew what the situation was, but HR never got wind unless something tripped the system,so if everyone works together on their sick days it was pretty good.

  • The manufacturer is concerned that they will be pulling a ton of power from both connectors. Sometimes the second connector is just for ancillary power silly or balancing, in this instance they are saying that they’re planning on your card pulling as much power as possible.

    You might find that in heavy situations, or on hot days, your power supply overcurrent will trip out and your system will crash. If you have the second connector, I’d connect it, and if you’re worried about having a plug dangle around just tie it back with a tywrap or some electrical tape so it’s nice and clean.

  • I wanted to drive trains for a long time. I love big machines and I love trains, so when I got a gig as a conductor I was excited. I excelled in the training and devoured everything I could in the CROR and the movements of equipment.

    When I hit the yard, there were lost time accidents every day, multiple derailments, and when coming into work one day I was late because an engine hit a 52’ trailer and flipped it into another engine at a crossing in the yard, in front of the train masters office.

    My shifts were 4-12 hours long, but often I’d have to get a taxi across town after a shift to get my car then drive home and go to sleep, only to get woken up by a phone call giving me two hours notice for my next shift. That shit was bananas.

    It was explained to me early on that the work lists that we were given weren’t physically possible to do in a safe/perscribed manner. Like, they don’t actually give you time to move the train forward, stop it, flip a switch, move back and decouple, so often conductors would call out multiple movements and hustle behind the train to get everything done without stopping. Which lead to some dude getting his legs cut off.

    I didn’t do that for very long. I loved working on the trains, and I was very good at it, but I quit without another job lined up before qualifying since I didn’t want to feel trapped working for cn.

  • I like niri, but I’ll be damned if I can get any kind of stability out of it. I’ll have myself a flawless time at home testing, but as soon as my laptop enters University Grounds it stops launching apps, or crashes, or whatever else.

    Right now I’m using Gnome/PaperWM since Infinite horizontal has changed my workflow so dramatically, and Gnome is more stable for me.