Wikipedia lists India at #2 in English speakers, behind the US. While a ton, I’m sure most of them would still be using their own Indian sites over a niche of a niche site like Lemmy.
Wikipedia lists India at #2 in English speakers, behind the US. While a ton, I’m sure most of them would still be using their own Indian sites over a niche of a niche site like Lemmy.
Would it be because most EU countries are using other sites that are in their own language? Idk why I’d visit a predominantly English site if my English wasn’t super proficient. That would just leave the US, UK, and Aus mostly, and the US dwarfs those by quite a bit.
I hate dogging on America’s health care system because it’s already done ad nauseam but I wonder with today’s prices if there’s already a 6 million dollar man out there, with just a fuckton of surgeries done over the years
Air Power