One word in German
Won’t someone please think of the poor multi-billion-dollar company! The losses for them and their poor multi-billion-dollar shareholders!
I’ll take the purple challenge, I’m already good on the others.
Closeted transbian, so: very gay, but currently in a straight-passing relationship. My girlfriend is bi, so maybe one day we can be gay instead of pretending to be straight.
hi every1 im new!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!! <— me bein random again _ hehe…toodles!!!
love and waffles,
t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m