• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Shadywack@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldJoe Biden ends re-election campaign
    2 months ago

    Biden did several classy things during some real fuckin difficult times. I can’t imagine how tough this decision was. I really hope we as a country can galvanize solid opposition and keep Trump/Vance’s asses out. Let’s be grateful for the good Biden has done, and if Kamala is the next up that gets the nomination, support the hell out of her.

  • Typically it’s the NIMBY crowd who’s been most fiercely opposed to things like immigration and avoid conversations like “where should they live?”. They get so centered around traffic or noise concerns near their SFU houses. When I talk NIMBY, I’m talking about the old boomers that stack city council meetings to help overturn zoning decisions.

    I think what you’re saying is in solidarity with what I am. White, straight, liberal NIMBY’s are wolves in sheep’s clothing, extoling DEI and social justice virtues while they reject notions of change as soon as it makes any impact whatsoever on streets near their own neighborhoods.

  • My apologies if that came across as challenging your point with the nimby stuff. It’s like a fuselight, it wasn’t for you but just directed out in the open. Retracting the comment. Housing is something that’s sensitive to me because we just lost a family member to suicide, and while not solely that person’s rationale, among many factors housing was a significant one.

    Housing and healthcare on the trajectory it’s pointed at today, robs our youth of their hope, and signifies quite loudly that we as a society do not love or value the futures of our children, however people may feel internally.

    My only message for NIMBY people is that of hate and revulsion.

  • No billionaires are self made, it’s a key thing to maintain awareness on. Each billionaire has started with an enormous starting advantage in some form. Either family connections or starting wealth. It’s not a straw man, it’s real, and the issue isn’t gender at all. It’s a distractive red herring from the fact billionaires shouldn’t exist in the first place. Going down the rabbit hole of how men have a predilection for sociopathy, enabling them to be complete fuckwads with no care for humanity and only fucking others over is the semantic. Look at Bezos’ ex-wife and how she’s giving most of the money away, because the ethics may exist for women in general making the notion “being a billionaire” precluded from the majority of females.

  • Shadywack@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldGNU-Linux
    3 months ago

    Poettering is a douchebag, a Royal fucking asshole, who happened to code a usable, performant, well coded project hosting subprojects that does a better job for the users than all their predecessors.

    He’s the guy people love to hate, and he’s really damn good.

  • This is exactly why I call corporate DEI fucking worthless. It’s pinkwashing with nothing substantive behind it. We see all the rainbows during pride month, while at the same time companies disregard all protected classes (and unprotected classes) quite equally in the layoffs and unethical worker treatment. Cis, trans, gay, straight, queer, furry, binary or non binary, old, and young are all equally getting fucked.

  • I really see a lot of grocery prices, and the complaints about them, and then I look at how grocery stores mostly stock some permutation of corn and 5+ aisles of snack shit that’s worse for you than even fast food, while being comparably expensive. The truth is that buying core ingredients and actually cooking, preparing a meal, from scratch, saves you a shit ton of money over the bullshit most people buy. The issue is really that of time budget, in hustle culture we get so busy living life and being tied to the toil of work that the time left to reasonably cook for yourself falls off.

    The idea of stepping back, forcing boundaries, and learning this skill, while painful, is still a good thing. Eating less shit, and more good ingredients, leads to better health overall. I hate the price gouging but love what this may lead to. Just fucking cook something healthy with real ingredients, and you may find it’s not just lentils, beans, potatoes, and cheap shit. People might check out some recipes and rediscover the produce area with cheap as fuck awesome ingredients and make stuff that restaurants typically don’t match on quality because the fucking same Sysco Foods truck just drops of microwaveable shit at each restaurant in town and they all just serve you fucked up gross shit you could’ve done far better than on your own.

  • LOL, we still don’t have Wayland because the daft cunts at Gnome still haven’t heard of 4k displays and setting scaling factors for Xwayland…you know…problems Plasma never had in the first place.

    All Gnome does is propose half baked measures they don’t take any action on because the fully formed cohesive solution doesn’t spontaneously magic itself into existence, then gaslight the users. Fuck Gnome.