Depending on what causes the sterility it could be managed through diffecountries. It’s like huge spark to class warfare instantly. especially for less well off counrries.
Depending on what causes the sterility it could be managed through diffecountries. It’s like huge spark to class warfare instantly. especially for less well off counrries.
What you don’t agree that handing bowels is bad!?
Lol someone saw Suits and thought they could expand it.
Doing wonders for that birth rate they care much about.
I’m convinced this is class warfare disguised as misogyny.
I never liked bowels. More fun to hand fist fulls of candy.
She ended up going to jail and eventually prison, accused of “concealing” the stillbirth, something that several states, including Arkansas, still label a crime. Such laws date back to the 17th century, intended to shame and accuse women of crimes if they were pregnant and unmarried.
Seriously need to clean up the books. What a waste of tax payer money
The AI training module world we live in needs a restart.
Man still looks at a picture of biden in his bed.
That’s why I put the quotes. Some people may call it a person. I don’t. That was me trying to respect the other side.
I don’t even get the point of a Tuesday. Not like Americans get the day off as a federal holiday and now there is early voting.
That was a horror cause he wasn’t willing. If he was willing then it would be like cult mechanicus, ghost in the shell, or Adam smasher. Embrace the certainly of steel! Or course if your brain is damaged and you can’t die that is a curse.
Disgusting that a life was lost over a “person” that would have never existed. This is doing wonders for the birthrate they are so worried about. I wonder if they just assumed this only effects the poors cause wealthier people would go to less restricted hospitals.
Vampires are always like this in stories. I feel like reality might be more like ergo proxy. Where what is a relationship that tastes 10 or 200 years compared to thousands?
Sounds like you have time to figure out alternatives. Like cyborgetics or using cloned parts.
There is a anime movie on Netflix about it.
Lots of people talk crap about middle management but the Job is to protect the working class from the madness of system as best you can. That makes a good leader. I had the pleasure of working with really great managers.
One of my coworkers gave me tons of crap for me saying it. But she was dumb.
Lol same energy as How am I supposed to make sure my partner doesn’t cheat on me if I don’t GPS tag him?
It’s true. I doubt the corps care though. Seems like the reason is millions of people live outside the city. Maybe find a way to make then want to stay by I dk making more residential buildings that are affordable.
As it should be!