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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Last time I went to taco Bell, it cost more person than our local Mexican restaurants, for the same amount of food. So, it’s literally cheaper for me to order from a real Mexican restaurant than Taco Bell.
    Now, when we run across something ridiculously expensive, we refer to it as having Taco Bell money, because I can’t even think of how rich I would have to be to pay so much for such shitty food in such shitty portions. Money would have to be so meaningless that I am bored out my mind and I am craving some nestolgic flavor from my youth, but somehow my personal chefs (that’s right, more than one) can’t seem to replicate the essence of mediocrety that I remember.

  • If he was willing to pay all that he would have hired legal employees who would then have actually had things like unemployment insurance to help them if something came along and caused him a sudden drop in business. But by hiring illegals he was able to be "competitive"with his prices. Which of course is another way of saying steal business from companies that hire legal employees. So, he not only screwed over the illegals working for him, but also every employee at every company that would have otherwise hired legal employees.

  • Comrade, you see back in old days, a strong Soviet man might have to fall out of window 30 or 40 times before finally succumbing to injuries. Minor improvements in window falling technology improved this over time. Improvements like feeding political enemies high calorie foods thus making them heavier. Also promotions worked for many. By first promoting the unfortunate soul, you could insure that they lived on a higher floor or had a house with a 3rd story. However, all of these solutions took much time. It wasn’t until 1 brilliant pioneer realized that if the unfortunate accident victim first broke neck before falling out of window, then even the sturdiest of men could fall out of even basement window just once.

  • The completely useless error messages kill me. And the commands that don’t do what they say… WTF is the point in “clean” and “force” if they don’t clean or force? And then there’s the inconsistency in command arguments. With one you have to use force, even though it doesn’t actually force, and the other you have to use “hard”. Hard? I mean I guess hard makes sense once you realize that force doesn’t actually mean force. Now I’m just waiting to run across the switch “–seriouslyguysimeanitthistime”.

    OMG, I can’t up vote this thread enough… git is such a purposefully exclusionary step in software development that I can’t believe it is the preferred solution. It is very powerful, but it is painfully obvious that no one has ever gone back and said, “but what if anyone else who wants to use this is not a Linux cli guru and already has an expert understanding of git commands?”. Why is it that learning to check in code is significantly harder than learning the actual IDEs that the devel uses to develop the code?