I don’t know where you live, but what you’re describing is not the norm in any developed country I’ve visited. Hourly jobs come with a schedule. You’re expected to be at work for the entire scheduled shift, it has nothing to do with amount of work to be done. If you just decide to leave halfway through your shift, you will be fired.
As an aside, if you were paid hourly and only worked a few hours a week, you wouldn’t make any fucking money. That’s kinda how hourly compensation works, you have to BE AT WORK for an hour if you wish to be paid for that hour.
Got any more dumbass fucking shit to say? Get bent.
I’m not talking to the OP, I’m talking to you. Shut the fuck up and pay attention.
First time in my life I’ve ever been accused of being rich. I can only assume you’re very young, because you have no fucking idea how any of this shit works. People are poor for a multitude of reasons, but it sure as shit isn’t because they get to leave work whenever the hell they want. Where the fuck did you even get that idea?
You think having a set shift means you’re on-call? Sit down, shut up, and learn something; on-call means you go home and eat one bite of your dinner then the phone rings and you have to go back to work. On-call means they own you even when you’re at home. On-call means your time is not your own, you can be called into work at any time regardless of anything you have going on, be it food, sleep, doesn’t matter. Going to work and staying there for 8 hours is just called having a fucking job. You should try it some time, it’ll open your eyes to all kinds of shitty fucking truths.