Well and like… all women were just confirmed to be second class citizens.
If we accept the premise that God doesn’t condone abortion care even in instances where women miscarry or the baby dies then surely dick pills aren’t natural either.
It seems to be that the popular vote in America is saying that women are whores who can die and everything men do gets a pass including sexual assault and cheating on their wives.
Not trying to fight you but I think people should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Abortion isn’t a culture war it’s literally my life at risk as a woman.
The campaign was just not explicit enough and America is ill educated by design on the topic of reproduction.
And I’ve come to the realization that most people don’t want to grapple with horrific things until it happens to them and it’s too late. See the pandemic - all the people who were boasting on fb about not protecting themselves and not getting the vaccine until their families were posting about those same people being dead.
Dropping this here - no woman wants to tell that story.