Dangling on a hyphen.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Yes, I’m a bit of a moron, but I still want to be fair. In every single community I read the same comment on and on again. It goes something like this:

    People in name_of_community are x.

    With its obvious variation

    name_of_community is y.

    That always sounds to me both strange and nonsensical. Every large set of beings is, obviously, large. We’re always sampling it from a very biased perspective. You may be unlucky in your interactions; or perhaps you’re more tactful; or you’ve connected in a very bad day; etc., etc., etc… So saying that name_of_community is y is just a Quixotian attack on a windmill.

    If that gets you high, elated, if it makes you feel better about yourself because you’re not like them, please go ahead and keep enjoying yourself. But also remember you’re riding an beaten old horse, wearing a rusty armor, and talking nonsense.

  • They are my mother, father, and everyone else. Life’s hard, and too many things compete for our attention.

    You’re right. Indiscriminate data collection is like the meat industry. Some people may find abhorrent how animals are treated, even how destructive the whole thing can be. But ultimately, out of sight is out of mind, right?

    Like you said, the same with privacy. Apps are shiny, addictive, and seem to be given away for free. Then life happens, the mind becomes busy with what holds its attention.

    We’re doomed because the game being played is simply too complex for anyone make sense of it. Any competing insight is immediately drowned under the massive torrent of data we’re all subjected to.