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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I’m not sure I want this to happen. I’ll read the bill, but I’m not convinced they’ll do it right. For example, UBI is supposed to replace other need-based social programs such as disability, welfare programs, government housing, etc. The entire point is that the money from those programs, which collectively have quite a lot of waste, goes into UBI so everyone can participate in society on a more fair level.

    For example, I have a neighbour who is on some kind of government assistance. He gets very little money, and his rent for an entire house is $105/mo. With UBI, he’d get a full basic income, but his housing would no longer be subsidized, removing the need for a public housing corporation known for being awful and wasting money.

  • it was competitive with basketball 30 years ago

    Bettman supporters keep saying how much the revenue has grown under his leadership while conveniently forgetting that every other league has grown its revenue faster than the NHL. As you say, the NHL used to be competitive with the NBA, and in fact, had higher overall revenue 30 years ago.

    Bettman hid most of his underperforming league revenue by expanding the league. The new teams didn’t perform well, but they boosted overall revenue enough to let Bettman keep his job. Now we’re left with a league where 6-8 teams should die in order to improve overall league health. It’s unlikely that Bettman or any future commissioner will admit how massive the problem is, so we’ll just get teams that are always threatening to become bankrupt, dragging down the rest of the league.

  • They truly believe that any gay symbolism is pushy.

    It is in your face, especially during pride month. But that’s the point. It’s in your face so we can talk about how gay people are treated, what they’ve overcome, and show that they are being included in places they previously weren’t. You can’t do that if it’s not in your face.

    So, they’ve got a point when they claim that gay symbolism is pushy. I’d ask them why they think it’s useful to be pushy.

  • It’s not about the needle, it’s about how Reddit acts during its death throes.

    Reddit can’t make money unless they monetize every user in every way possible, including selling their personal data if they have it. The API garbage was an attempt to monetize users in ways even their own app doesn’t, and also an admission that advertising isn’t paying the bills, or they would have just started advertising through the API.

    So now we’re seeing how Reddit behaves once they realize that charging for API access doesn’t work. They will sell everyone and everything until they shut down.

  • If the only way to defend communism is by claiming that no country has ever done communism correctly, then that’s a problem. You can’t point to a single successful communist country because there aren’t any.

    China became far more successful since it abandoned communism for its own flavor of capitalism. Private ownership in China has led to a massive improvement in quality of life for most Chinese residents, and more opportunities for success than ever before.

    Meanwhile, most complaints about capitalism have almost nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with laws and regulations or human greed (which is the worst part of any system).

  • anyone who can’t comply can’t serve you.

    That’s not true. If the company isn’t doing business in the EU, they don’t need to comply with the GDPR. What I mean is, they’re entirely outside the jurisdiction of the EU and are not required to comply with any EU law. If the EU decides they want to force a non-EU company to comply, they have no ability to do so.