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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Nobody is saying that you should necessarily CELEBRATE his suicide. However. In a society and a government system that is failing to respond to its public on nearly every level. You have 2 options for what to do to stop something that needs to be stopped in the here and now not in 10-15 years. You can commit acts of terror and use force of arks to disrupt your government internally. Maybe get a gang together with firearms and disrupt arms shipments by attacking manufacturing plants or sabotaging arms convoys. Or kill yourself in an act of protest to get more public attention and pressure to the issue. Or you can bitch and whine and make noise like many of us do. Do I recommend anybody else engage in what that man just did? No. But I’m not going to dishonor and disrespect the entire life of a human being for desperately trying to draw attention to a noble cause. Its tragic what he did. But do not discredit and dismiss the life of another so callously.

  • Illegal annexation of the west bank ruled by the UN to be illegal under international law. From a military analysis. The ordinance levels being used in Gaza and the specific targets ie hospitals and schools is a violation of the Geneva convention. No state actor may commit a war crime in response to the war crime of another party. Thats not how international law works so I dont want to hear of this “but hamas did this” nonsense. It is Israels responsibility to figure out how to end this and retrieve its hostages without committing war crimes or violating international law. It has been a miserable failure at every turn in doing so.

    We do not live in a pre world war 2 political order anymore. As it stands Israels founding as a nation was dubious in its legitimacy as it stands and is along with the balfort declaration, one of the last vestiges of the treaty of Versailles. Which was a complete and utter disaster for the entire world.

    Under international law, a people under occupation by a foreign government have the right to armed resistance against their occupiers and the occupiers have no right to self defense under international law. The UN has ruled that israel IS engaged in an occupation in both Gaza and the west bank.

  • I think the most concerning thing. Is that its so clear with bidens age decline. We have seen this before. FDR, the later term of Ronald Reagan, Dianne feinstein. Its not ok to put up figure head leaders who are just puppets of their cabinets. All the blatantly undemocratic behavior from trying to sue RFK Jr off the ballot, canceling the primaries, trying to block a debate from every having happened in the first place.

    I think Donald Trump was wrong about the whole stolen election. BUT. Watching this election cycle one thing is very clear. There is no integrity left in american elections. Our democratic process has already degraded to banana republic. I cannot in good conscience vote for a senile puppet and I cannot vote for a man who is clearly acriminall, not an exemplary american leader, and not a good statesman. There is no lesser of two evils. There are other options and people being unwilling to believe that there are other options is the only reason we are stuck with this bullshit.

    I truly believe Robert F Kennedy junior oa the only sensible choice for president in today’s political climate.

  • Same song and dance from the 2 party machine. The way the political system is. This isnt democracy and I’d rather see trump elected purely so he can implode the system. And it’d be entirely the democrats own fault for falling into complete corruption and ineffectuality. Biden is bank rolling and arming a genocide, hes been nothing but a puppet president his entire term and the democratic party has become a corrupt oligarchy just the same as the republicans. This 2 party system is given power only by the willing consent and active participation of the american people. And I think its time that the american people said enough is enough and abolished the two existing political parties completely so that we can form a functional democracy instead of this corporate klepto clown show.

    RFK isnt a perfect candidate but hes the best political candidate iv seen run for officeoin my lifetime.

  • That would only hold true if Donald trump was officially convicted of the crime of insurrection. A crime which so far he hasn’t even been charged with. Until he is charged tried and convicted of insurrection the 14th amendment isnt applicable here and I’d bet my money that’s exactly what the surpreme court is going to rule on.

    If they are serious about wanting to remove him from the vallt then they should start there. By trying him for insurrection.

  • A can of monster has around 300mg per can. People walk around drinking those like waters everyday. The first death made national news. Then they put a warning label onto the product. AND they put a warning label on the drink dispensers. At that point if u manage to hurt yourself with the product despite all those warnings that’s your fault. Its like saying we should beable to sue somebody who’s selling coffee if they have a customer that drinks 10 cups in a morning and has a heart attack.

    McDonalds was sued for their hot coffee burning a customer. They put lids with caution hot warnings on them and put it on the cups. After that all burns incurred are not their problem. Same case should apply here and likely will in court.

  • Missiles and satellite arrays have no similarities in the way they technologically function. So this argument doesn’t actually hold any water. Elon musk is the operator of the starlink. Ukraine does not operate starlink satellites. Ukraine operates the missiles we GIVE to them. Meaning the baton of ownership has been passed off from the united states to Ukraine. The Ukrainian operators then have the autonomy to do with that as they see fit. This is why we give Ukraine guns and bullets but we dont give them the human soldier to fire them. Because this implicates direct US involvement in an offensive strike against Russia. In June 2023 starlink won contract with the pentagon. Meaning elon musk and starlink are acting as agents of the united states government and as such as bound by very similar rules of engagement that the normal US military is. The difference between giving them missiles and starlink is that we can’t just say “here are your very own satellites that you have the keys and drivers wheel to and they belong to you now”

  • The point is. Renewable energy isnt there yet. Hydro electric is the best we have. If you want to replace a gas or coal fired grid. You cannot do it with 100% renewable energy. The only tech we have that can replace fossil fuel grids is nuclear power. I’m not saying its the only way. I’m saying its the only thing that works at this time unless something happens to radically reduce energy demand and the type of radical reduction required simply isnt gonna happen. As for the profit. Windmills dont make money. They cost money. They are more expensive to maintain than the energy they produce. 2.5-5m USD to build one. They cost 1.3m USD give a few thousand per megawatt of electricity producing capacity. Maintenances costs can range around 45-50k annually. Land costs. Business overhead. Etc. You go thru that to produce 1-3 MW of electricity… Thats not enough to do much of anything. And u cannot suddenly demand a huge spike of energy from a windmill farm like you can from coal or gas or nuclear. Solar same thing. Sun not shining? No power.

    My point overall is these are not good cost effective alternatives to current energy production. They are expensive and inefficient alternatives to what we have. Are they greener? Yes they are but under the current technology. Green energy doesn’t get the job done that HAS to get done.