• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • If cosmic inflation is correct, probably not. Inflation is our best theory of the beginning of the universe.

    According to inflation, spacetime expanded exponentially from an infinitesimal point to many billions of light-years across. As far as we can tell, the universe is expanding again but at a much slower rate, due to dark energy.

    Spacetime survived the inflationary period, so it looks like it doesn’t have a “tear” mechanism.

    Another way to think of it, is to assume once torn, what is it tearing “into”. If you rip a bit of fabric, you look through to the other side, nothing special. If you tear our 4-dimentional spacetime, what are you looking at when you look “through” the ripped portion? This implies that out 4D spacetime is somehow existing in a higher dimensional reality.

  • Long ago when I worked in supermarkets, our 12 item line was a hard limit; the scanner stopped working at 12. If you had more than that, it was your hard luck item 13 simply wouldn’t scan.

    Many times this caused problems, mainly for the customer.

    Customer: Hey it is only 2 more items.
    Operator: But I can’t scan it, the scanner stops at 12.
    Customer: But it is only two more items!!
    Operator: I understand that, but the scanner won’t take them.
    Customer: FINE, just start a new transaction!
    Operator: If you will please go to the back of the line then.
    Customer: WHAT, but I’m here now!!!
    Supervisor: What seems to be the problem here?
    Operator: More than 12 items.
    Customer: I ONLY HAVE 2 EXTRA ITEMS!!!
    Supervisor: I understand, if you could please go to the back of the line to get the extra two items, we will be happy to help you.
    Supervisor: If you want, them in one transaction we can cancel this one and move you to a full sized checkout.
    Customer: …ENRAGED RANTING…
    Supervisor: If you are going to be abusive to me or my staff, I’ll have to ask you to leave.

    Word of that type of thing gets around, for the number of people through the supermarket, the total number of incidents was very low. But they happened at least once a week.

  • As someone with a 5yo.

    Sit on the floor when interacting with them. Literally being on their level can help a lot, that and talk about stuff they are into.

    As someone else mentioned, don’t baby talk to them, unless they have some specific learning disability, a 5yo will know a lot about what they are into (a dinosaur kid will know heaps about dinosaurs)

    My boys all love Lego, build cool stuff, then let them have it, don’t use instructions.