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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • That bill was a super republican bill, I honestly do not know why the Democrats keep bragging about this as if every “bipartisan” bill has merit. The Overton Window continues to shift right. Just because the vociferous Republicans spouted incorrect information about the bill, that doesn’t make the quality of actual bill have any merit. I’m ashamed that any democrat thought this"immigration" reform bill was something worth fighting for. It is an anti immigration package that gives significantly more money and power to homeland security. It focused on funding border walls, detention centers, increasing the burden of proof required for asylum seekers, among others. It is a horrendous bill that cares little for immigrants.

  • Your definition of efficiency is not compatible with mine. Layoffs here are entirely based on profit increase, not efficiency. They will gladly trade inefficiency for increase in profit. They will gladly trade the sanity of those laid off, and of those who have to pick up the slack by working more and spending less time outside of work. Wealth extraction is a greedy gambit to increase profit at any cost year over year. CEOs will gladly bite the hand that feeds them, get bonuses for investor payouts, and get their golden parachute once it goes sour. They are pariahs.