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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: March 9th, 2025


  • When my son was in kindergarten, he was temptoarily on medication for an illness he was getting over, and I went to the school and filled out all the paperwork, and showed the nurse the dosage, etc.

    When the nurse went to give him the medication, the teacher told the nurse he was fine, and didn’t need it, and the nurse left without administering the medication. When I picked him up from school, he was wheezing and really needed his medicine.

    I wrote a very angry email, demanding to know what medical school his tescher had gone to, that she felt she could overrule his pediatrician’s medical orders, and what about that nurse, who should have said “I’m not asking for your permission, I’m TELLING you that it’s time for his medication.”

    Of course, I threatened to consult with a lawyer, and the next day, the teacher was out on maternity leave. She was supposed to start in a month, but apparently the principal decided that it should start immediately.

    I wondered if it was because of my email, but when she returned at the end of the year for kindergarten graduation (thats a thing these days), carrying her baby, nobody would talk to her or even compliment her baby. One mother sat with her back to her, arms crossed, clearly angry. I guess we werent the only parents she pissed off, we were probably just the last straw, being a medical issue with legal threats.

    She did not return to teach the following year.

  • I just was posting in a thread about boycotts, and mentioned how most shitty companies that are being called for boycotts are companies I started boycotting long ago, and my example was United.

    I’ve already been boycotting them for years, for destroying guitars, and beating their passengers unconscious, or just offering the highest prices for the worst service, which is the main reason I avoid them. I just want to get to another airport, and Im happy with doing it the cheapeat way, as long as they don’t destroy my guitar or beat me senseless.

  • All they needed to do was allege that they were violent gang-members/ terrorists in order to deny them ALL their due process rights. They didn’t have to prove their allegations of gang affiliations, just say it, and the Constitution goes out the window. No arraignment, no access to a lawyer, no trial, no ability to show a green card or defend themselves from the allegations. The accusation is all that stands, and it is accepted 100% without any evidence. All they have to do is point at someone, and they are sent to a foreign torture prison in a 3rd world country without a word. Its the most Gestapo policy I can think of.

    If they can do it to them, they can do it to anyone, for any reason. Write something on social media, piss off your MAGA neighbor, have a co-worker who wants your position, wear a T-shirt, have a tattoo they dont understand, attend a protest, or even just your own Democratic congressman’s town hall, etc., and you can be declared a national security threat, and you go to ElSalvador, or perhaps the new 30,000 bed facility currently being built in Gitmo.

  • What else could they have? They have a video of the crime, and the evidence they claim they found in his backpack when he was arrested, and a couple pieces of evidence they claim they found at the scene that contain his DNA.

    Much of the backpack evidence is likely to be thrown out, and the video evidence is highly debateable, and easily refutable. That leaves the DNA items they claim were found at the scene, which could easily have been picked up at his hostel, and planted.

    Any other evidence would be far before the crime, or far removed from it, and would be weak at best.

  • Never forget that during HitlerPig’s first administration, the Saudi’s wanted to kill dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was living in America, and writing for the Washington Post.

    The US was in negotiations to sell billions of dollars in weapons to Saudi Arabia for the first time, with Kushner leading the talks. They didn’t want to derail the talks, so the administration made it clear that they wouldn’t interfere in the Khashoggi matter.

    He wanted to marry his fiance who was still in SA, so they lured him to their embassy in Turkey to sign paperwork, where they ambushed him, murdered him, dismembered him, and disposed of the body. We have footage of him going in, but never coming out. Instead, people left carrying suitcases, presumed to be his body parts. We also have audio of the actual murder.

    HitlerPig knew he was to be murdered, and they did absolutely nothing to warn him nor prevent it. In fact, they greenlighted the op because they didn’t want to derail their arms talks.

    It should also be remembered that the Saudis gave Kushner $2 billion after he went back into the private sector.

  • I absolutely believe that the Both Sides Are The Same idea is really, really stupid. How dumb do you have to be to believe that HitlerPig was going to be better at anything than Harris, or any other Democrat for that matter. Or even any other human. He is literally the most prolific traitor in American history, a definitive pyschopath, and hopelessly ignorant in the most basic things.

    The problem was that when it came to the Gaza issue, they both WERE kind of the same. Whichever one you voted for might pay some lip service to the genocide, but they were both going to continue to send weapons, bombs, and money to Israel to continue it. Under HitlerPig, it won’t end until the Gaza Strip is cleared out, and Kushner is building luxury resorts, hotels, and condos.

    Under Harris, there would be a lot more scolding, but it wouldn’t have slowed the flow of weapons one bit. In the end, Gaza would still be emptied, and Kushner would still be creating the Jewish Dubai.