Writing songs and code.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • I work on Apache Superset for my day job, it’s a BI tool for data exploration and visualization. It’s a big project with 100+ committers, so a lot of the challenges are about managing people and communicating effectively.

    DJ is a “metrics platform that allows users to define metrics and the data models behind them using SQL, serving as a semantic layer on top of a physical data warehouse.” The project is still in its infancy but growing fast.

    My favorite project is shillelagh, a Python library that lets you query APIs using SQL, eg:

    SELECT *
    FROM "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_rN3lm0R_bU3NemO0s9pbFkY5LQPcuy1pscv8ZXPtg8/edit#gid=0"

  • So many great memories!

    I remember daydreaming about the day everyone would have an email address! It seemed so fat-fetched, the concept of meeting someone and exchanging email addresses. I had dial up for many years, and I also dreamed about having a permanent connection. I would think, “Imagine, you receive an email and you get notified in real time that it arrived! No need to dial up and fetch emails via POP3!”

    In 1999 my parents got a dedicated connection via cable, so I set up a Linux server on their house. Back then the computer would get a real, unfiltered, IP address, so I started running my own email service. 24 years later and I still have the same domain and run my own mail service, though on the cloud these days.

    A couple years ago there was a post going on Gemini asking How you were using the Internet in the 1991-1995 and 1995-2005? (sic), the replies are super interesting.