• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I hate Java with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. It is baked into so many admin tools for hardware (Dell, Cisco, etc) and trying to connect to older hardware that requires a security model that isn’t supported anymore or has expired certs that are never getting updated is a giant pain in the ass. Run anywhere my ass. I have to keep special VMs with just the right version of Java and all the necessary tweaks (like having to tell it that certain older encryption methods are ok) to even access some of these tools. I’ve even had to surplus hardware that was perfectly fine accept for the fact I could configure it because of some stupid Java thing. In short Fuck Java with a rusty wire brush.

    I’m not bitter at all 🤣

  • Well I grew up not shooting up a school so it seems to have worked. It also helps I don’t have any mental health problems. Well unless you ask my wife.

    But seriously guns are just tools. Granted tools meant to kill things but still just tools. My father also taught me to respect regular tools. You can seriously hurt someone with a circular saw it’s just much harder to do from a distance.

    I don’t think you should let a toddler play with a hammer. You wait until they are old enough and strong enough and wise enough to weild it properly. Then you teach them how to use it for its purpose. And if it looks like they are going to have a psychotic break and murder people with it you take away the damn hammer and make sure they can’t just go get another hammer 🙄… it’s not really that hard.