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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • I think the issue is the politicians who should be regulating these things are being funded by the companies. Eliminating lobbying and corporate political donors (or anyone with specific corporate interests) would go a long way to removing the corruption and conflict of interest in the government. I think anyone in politics taking money from corporations, or participating in any quid pro quo should be removed from their current position, fined (lets say double the pay the received for their entire time in office), and barred from holding future public office. Don’t make it worth the risk. As things stand right now, they don’t even really have to hide it.

  • TIL

    I might like this some things, like the Saw example. My biggest issue is movies like the James Bond series, where the name aren’t pre-fixed. I’m going to expect GoldenEye in the Gs, not in the Js. I also have a collection for the whole Clerks series, but include Mallrats, etc as they all play off each other. The MCU is another one where the titles are dramatically different the pre-fixes on the sort title could go a few different ways.

    I will definitely keep the sort title in mind for when there are small tweaks.

  • The hardest part of getting people to pay for a site is that first sign up and getting the credit card. If $1 feels like a deal and gets them in the door, he can then add micro-transactions and all kinds of stuff, and all of that will feel more fluid, because they can charge the card on file. Imagine paying to give a tweet a super-like, or paying to promote your reply to a post so the person is more likely to see it. He doesn’t even have to raise the yearly fee, he can nickle and dime everyone to death once he has their card and makes it easy.

    If he wants to be extra shitty, he can hide all that stuff behind some kind of point system, so people don’t know how much they’re spending and don’t feel like it’s real money.

  • Is this new? I had a similar experience where I was banned and had to go hunting to try and find what it might have been. I really had no idea; I still don’t.

    One sub that banned me, for what I felt was a completely unjust reason, told me the process for lifting it was to write what would have been a 10 page letter/research paper going into why I was wrong and they were right. I wasn’t going to spend hours of my life bending a knee to power hungry mods who were asking me to lie to them to inflate their own egos, so I moved on with my life. I replied to a joke comment with another on-topic joke in a sub that allowed for jokes… I can’t and won’t say I was wrong about that.

  • I’m saying you don’t know what everyone in every large group you’re apart of does. If you claim to, you’re lying. The groups some passer by could associate you with number in the millions or billions.

    I’m saying that “religious people” is a massive group… 2.4B Christians, almost 2B Muslims, 1.2B Hindus, 500M Buddhists… and on we go… 6.6B people, or 85% of the globe, is in the group of “religious people”. Source.

    To say being apart of that groups makes some antilgbt is crazy, as there are many lgbt people are members of that group. Are they all self-hating? You can’t assign guilt to a group of 6 billion people based on the actions of a few. I mean, you can, but no one should take you seriously. In a group of 6 billion people you will have a complete cross-section of the human experience. Everyone and everything, other than the specific thing you’re grouping by, will be represented. And since you’re controlling based on religion and not by opinions on lgbt people, all opinions on lgbt people will be represented in a group that large.

  • I suppose. I don’t really even believe in a literal heaven or hell. I think it’s more that every religion lays out some ideas of things you can/should do which will be a net positive to yourself and the world around you. If you do those things, you’ll generally be happy with happy people around you… which can be akin to heaven. Do a bunch of bad stuff and don’t take care of yourself and turn the world around you into a mess… you’re basically living in hell. Heaven and hell both exist simultaneously on Earth, and you can live in either one depending on how you go about living your life. The biblical heaven and hell are just extreme versions, spoken about metaphorically, to help illustrate the ideas through stories before things could be written down.

    From that perspective, all 4,000 are right, and the non-believers can be right too.