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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Endeavour is fantastic. I’ve been using Arch since high school, but hung it up for a few years until last year when I’d had enough of Windows’ shit. EOS takes the PITA out of the install process (I just don’t have the time these days to dig as deep as I used to), but is the same Arch experience in usage.

  • One of the best ways someone can make a good living for themselves is to run their own business. Not that it’s for everyone, but being in the driver’s seat of your own income instead of depending on someone else for a wage is very much the definition of American individualism, even if an individual is simply contracting for a larger firm.

    I don’t think there’s necessarily a shortage of workers, but I think there’s a shortage of people willing to work for the peanuts these conglomerates are offering. Competition is severely hampered when large firms corner their respective markets and drive out smaller competitors, because now they are the ones in charge of the respective workforces and are calling the shots, including how much an individual is allowed to make. Smaller firms with lower overhead are able to disrupt them, as long as the playing field is level and the barriers aren’t the Dover cliffs.

  • Honestly I think it’s more of just becoming responsible as you age and your body’s requirements get more specific. When I was young, I could eat anything and anything. Now, dairy is fully off the table, breads and carbs in general need to be of a minimum quality, and volume of consumption absolutely cannot be what it used to be. I think the key of it is to just be cognizant of what works and what doesn’t, and have the self control to direct yourself to the right choices (especially when options are limited). It certainly comes with experience that aging provides. I’m sure there are some people that are so well tapped into their bodies that it’s automatic like muscle memory, but for the rest of us it’s definitely learned and steered.