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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Update: I found someone on Discord who unlocked it by happenstance. You have to finish a Grand Prix race with the lowest possible Safe rank provided the number of racers doesn’t drop below it.

    So for example, if the Safe rank bottoms out at 40 to qualify for the next race, you must finish in 40th for it to unlock. If there’s 39 racers or less left in the race and you place last (which technically should meet the criteria), it won’t unlock.

    I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case, because virtually every race has enough racers KO’ed to drop below the rank. This is so needlessly situational, and I dislike how it encourages sandbagging.

  • That’s a good idea, I’ll have to try for that. I’m hoping it’s not, because that would be obnoxious - It’ll be painful to wait to run it back in case I miss it.

    The more I think about it, the more terrible this badge’s criteria becomes:

    • Is it the per-lap Safe rank?
    • Is it the per-race qualification Safe rank in GP/MP?
    • Does it apply to Mini Prix?
    • Is it “last” in the sense that it’s the last qualifying racer in the penultimate race?
    • Is it “last” in the sense that it’s the last person qualifying on the penultimate lap of a race?
    • If the number of racers drops below the threshold of the Safe rank, does it still count?
    • Does it have to match the Safe rank exactly, thus making it unobtainable if the number of racers drops below the Safe rank?

  • It’s funny how the public opinion on the Gamecube has done a total 180 since its time in the market. It was the laughing stock of the console space for not allowing DVD playback, having virtually no online capabilities, and “kiddie” looking games. Nintendo committed to quality games first and foremost and it resulted in their lowest selling console yet (excluding Virtual Boy).

    Nowadays, the DVD playback that rocketed the PS2 to #1 is largely irrelevant, and the online services that were huge on PS2 and Xbox are shut down. The “kiddie” looking games like Wind Waker have aged astonishingly well, while the realistic aesthetic that dominated the PS2/Xbox library definitely looks 20+ years old at this point.

    The focus on games was what made the Gamecube great, and it’s what stands the test of time above anything else. I’m glad others have come to realize this, even if it took over a decade for it to happen.