All of Putins homes. All at once.
All of Putins homes. All at once.
Hurt me harder, daddy Canada!
No, but it gives him a reason to be read and considered. Taking anyone’s ideas just because they said them is… problematic to say the least.
I am just trying to give you a bit more context than you seem willing to find, and, as everyone who has responded in this thread seems to note, you are writing responses that seem bizarrely … aggressive?
I mean, I’m not wed to the idea, nor am I to all the man’s writings, but you seem extremely set against him with no explanation.
A blogger and…
Dude has had some fairly prophetic understandings of how thing are headed for years, so he does have some background on a potentially valid pov.
Kind of like slashdot modding of yore? I don’t recall if they still do it, but they had multiple positive and negative tags for moderation.
(That was my first post on the thread. I was just making sure there was the clarification of the two locations and the innocent people would be in jail, where prison are for those convicted.)
Jail vs Prison.
Yah. Mine just has full on knife wounds from that.
Well, when no justice is occurring in the justice system, this is the logical next step.
Yah! Refocus!
Weird. It may sound subtle ( another weird word), but my mouth is definitely doing different things. Ought has a definite diphthong whereas aught may have one, but much more slight and with a more closed mouth.
Languages are weird.
Edit: aught is likely grown out of naught! I mean, that obviously makes sense, just never actually thought about it.
This is how you end up found dead on the toilet.
The thing is, he is not a moron. He just generalized his expertise in thoracic surgery to everything and found he could leverage an appeal to authority (him) for cash (thanks Oprah).
With Molina, we would lose $30 by the time that the patient got in the room. We had to drop them as they refused to reimburse any better, even through all the inflation of everything else.
I mean, he has to for the shareholders. Legally required and all.
Ok. That is until the Ukraine bit. Russia chose to invade. It was made very clear in the press that the US knew what was happening on the border and gave Putin every chance to stop it Ukraine is a sovereign country and did not want more Russian influence and was courting EU membership.
Raw tomatoes typically make me gag. I recently found my uncle and cousins do it too. There is something specific that is unappealing to the point our bodies don’t think it is safe to eat.
Keep it up, y’all. Counter our idiotic government.