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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2024


    1. Money is a form of control, if you control a countries economy you effectively control the country.

    Spending money someplace doesn’t “control the economy”, stupid.

    1. Hamas received direct Israeli funding

    No, it did not.

    1. My point is that war economics inherently benefits the American Empire

    Proxy war with Israel directly benefits the Iranian empire.

    Israel exists as an outpost for American troops to exhert power in the region.

    There are fewer US troops stationed in Israel than stationed in Lincoln, Nebraska.

    The idea that Israel wants peace is absurd, the people maybe but its clear that the colonial ambitions of the Israeli government

    There’s no such thing. Israel is not a colony - Palestine is a colony and Arabs are colonizers.

  • Before Hezbollah Israeli money was constantly being pumped into Lebanon.

    You said “hold”, like they were in control of the place.

    Now you’re just saying they invested there.

    Also once again you’re missing my point, both Hamas and Hezbollah were created to be enemies.

    But your point is wrong - they were created to be allies. Allies of Iran, which is who created them. That’s why Hezbollah promotes Shia Islam in Lebanon.

    Im addition you’re still ignorent to the economics of war and foreign interests.

    Waving terms like “war economics” and “foreign interests” without meaning anything by them doesn’t help your argument; Iran faces the same incentives for war against Israel that anyone else would.

    It matters not what Israel wants when its nothing but an extension of the American Empire.

    If Israel is nothing but an American vassal state, the vanguard of our imperial ambitions in the Middle East (lol, who cares about that shithole desert) then why have we placed Israel under arms embargo literally every time they’ve been attacked by Arabs?

  • Have you ever worked in emergency medicine or been in an accident? Someone could have been hit with shrapnel and hid it due to sheer adrenaline. People have been shot in mass shootings and had limbs bit off by sharks and not really “noticed.” It’s entirely possible to keep going/dissociate from an injury if you think that the bombing event will continue, if you’re still in danger, if you think acknowledging your wound will put you in danger. Or if you think people will assume your innocent kid that got killed was a terrorist, you might want to lie about how they died so you can have a nice funeral and people won’t remember them like that or accuse your family of being terrorists.

    Ok, can we talk about things that aren’t made up, now? Israel didn’t send sharks to Lebanon.

  • Have you forgotten that Iran was once an Israeli ally, or that Israel once held Lebanon as a puppet?

    When did Israel “hold” Lebanon?

    Hamas was made in large part due to Israel interference in Gazas politics as was the PLO.

    Were either Hamas or the PLO allies of Israel? If the PLO was the ally of Israel then why did they kill the entire Israeli Olympics team in Munich?

    Peace was never the goal of Israel

    Peace has always been the goal of Israel. The elimination of all Jews has always been the goal of Hezbollah and Hamas and they’ll die for it.