All I see is a photo of two pieces of shit.
All I see is a photo of two pieces of shit.
But with each day and each cynical policy proposal, Mr. Carney shows he’s more than willing to play the political game, with the same all-consuming lust for power as any 20-years-in-the-game hack.
“All-consuming lust for power,” or merely confidence he’s a far better option than PP coupled with the knowledge that undercutting the cons’ main talking points is practically a requirement to win enough swing voters to prevent Maple MAGA from winning the election?
What an idiotic fucking statement, clearly the author is as “unserious” as they claim this election is…
As the election campaign kicks off, The Logic’s purpose remains the same: To facilitate the hard conversations we need to have as a country through rigorous, fact-based, independent journalism. Fundamentally, that means our job is to publish the truth, as best we can.
Conservatives aren’t gonna like that…
A district court denied their motion and an appeals court affirmed, saying that “simply hearing about other views does not necessarily exert pressure to believe or act differently than one’s religious faith requires.”
No, no, you don’t understand! Merely hearing about the existence of different people is literal persecution!
Fuck, these people are fragile.
And I’ve already seen regressive media spinning it as “Carney too chicken to participate in debates,” leaving out any context like this one being in addition to the main ones and being a pay-to-play event.
Definitely got it from Peterson. Rogan has called Canada “communist” and claimed that people are being imprisoned here for posting criticism of “wokeness” on the Internet. Both of those claims echo Peterson’s idiocy, but the second one in particular is pretty much guaranteed to be straight from his mouth as it’s the exact “compelled speech” bullshit that earned him much of his early notoriety and, as far as I know, hasn’t really picked up traction with other alt-reich talking heads.
Right, because buying a pipeline to ensure it will be completed, allowing for even more oil extraction, is definitely the sort of thing the Green party would do…
Gassi said he studied mechanical engineering technology
By this dipshit’s standard, I’m an engineer too!
Nope, just a technologist (but technically not that, because I didn’t maintain my ASET membership).
I’ve been saying for weeks now, thirty years ago this dude would’ve landed solidly Progressive Conservative.
I’m still gonna vote Liberal to keep PP out, but they ain’t my preference.
“I thought people had more class.”
Wayne hasn’t had “class” for a while, but especially not in the past few months.
Nahh, you need leverage to be able to extort someone. Smith has fuck all to pressure the rest of the country with, all she can do is keep making things worse for us in Alberta.
As an Albertan, I fail to see see what leverage she thinks she has here. Our province consistently votes conservative regardless of how many bones the Liberals are throwing us (ex, buying a pipeline to ensure it gets constructed when the owner backs out) or how much the Conservatives ignore us.
Leaving Canada to either form an independent nation or join the US are both wildly unpopular, and there’s nothing she can say that’ll drum up enough support for either to occur. If she decides to “turn off the taps,” her O&G overlords will punish her.
Like many of the dipshits making good money with little to no education in this province, she has a wildly inflated sense of our importance and value.
Diaper Don is further gone than Old Yeller was when his owner took him back behind the shed. Just sayin’
Lanchbery wrote. “Although I found the general damages to be minimal, Ms. Choiselat’s actions require me to award Mr. Kinnarath aggravated damages for her conduct.”
Lanchbery also said the evidence presented by Kinnarath shows that he suffered minimal damage from Choiselat’s posts, which is why he awarded the activist “nominal” damages and did not issue any punitive damages.
That’s fucking stupid. Punitive penalties should be steep enough to act as a deterrent, not merely based on what the judge perceives as the actual amount of harm to the victim’s reputation.
Geez, you really couldn’t even read past the title, eh?
I don’t think it’s a cognitive bias preventing them from accurately assessing risk for a lot of these people. Based on some I’ve interacted with, they don’t care about how much pain they experience as long as the other side feels it worse.
Others are just pure contrarians who don’t put any thought into it beyond “If the radical leftist blue hairs don’t want it, it’s probably a good thing.”
Better title: “Molson-Coors is worried customers will stop drinking mass produced pisswater if they have more options available from the rest of the country.”
A brewery making quality products would welcome gaining access to a larger market.
This sort of argument both minimises his accountability for his actions by blaming factors outside his control, and is incredibly insulting to the millions of people with actual mental disabilities who manage not to be racist assholes.
Elon is a Nazi, full stop.
That was always the surest sign I’d really pissed off a RWNJ. Good times
In cases of extreme hypocrisy like this, I would say it’s appropriate to not only carry out the deportation PP wants every other illegal immigrant to suffer, but also to punish those who helped this particular one.