Carbon somebody else’s problem
Carbon somebody else’s problem
Hey look a guide on how to look like a cishet white man
Just because you don’t remember being told common sense facts, doesn’t mean you weren’t. It probably happened at some random time without you making much of it, you just incorporated it seamlessly into your worldview. Now you look down on others for needing the same support you did when you were a child.
These pods are only used on rails with very low ridership. They would switch to a train if ridership increased.
Look at it this way: you can have a train that has a capacity of 100 people, but it only runs once a day due to the low demand, and only 2 people want to ride it at that time of day…Or you can have 10 pods, which do not require as much railway maintenance, and they can carry the 10 people who actually want to use this railway, completely on demand.
Yeah, a train is better if you want to move ten thousand people a day at peak hour. But this is a cheaper way to move ten people at different times across a day. And it’s a cheaper way of inducing the demand that would justify the more efficient kind of expansion.
I know someone who, when it’s having a panic attack and is asked a question, it asks the person asking what the correct answer is. Even if they have no way of knowing.
The flying nun!
I don’t think there’s anything cowardly about refusing to support Netanyahu’s antisemitic government, except that she wasn’t a bit firmer about it.
I think refusing to support an antisemitic government like Israel is brave.
If I were in Olga’s position I’d go create another Natasha account on the same platform and start making videos saying “Hey, Natasha here. I just learned what things are really like in Ukraine and I’m furious about what Russia is doing to innocent civilians. Putin is an evil man. Also my main account has been hacked, please report it so I can get it back.”
If Natasha is Olga then Olga is Natasha. Olga probably has a case to take over the accounts, given they’re videos of her, and start pushing out antiwar propaganda.
Maybe I like mischief too much
Actually, cats really are alive and dead at the same time according to the many worlds interpretation. Under classical quantum mechanics, we say that superpositions collapse when observed, and since the cat is an observer of the quantum event (since the cat would die if the atom decayed), then the cat’s presence resolves the superposition. Thus, the cat is never in superposition.
However, according to the many worlds interpretation, observation does not collapse superposition. Rather, it simply expands the superposition to include the observer. So the cat, as an observer of the quantum event, really is both alive and dead. And at the moment that you open the box to see whether the cat died, you will also observe the quantum event and become part of the superposition as well. You will both see a dead cat, and see a living cat. But your consciousness only experiences one of these possibilities. Presumably, you have another consciousness in the other possibility observing the cat in the other state. Two separate timelines have been created, which will each progress on their own according to causality. We may also call these timelines worlds or universes, seeing as they’re mostly self contained.
It’s a self replicating idea. Don’t be a definition purist if you don’t know shit about etymology.
Mass Effect is one of those sci-fi series with only one fictional technology, and a whole lot of development on that, and on the stories that enables them to tell. And that fictional technology is the mass effect. In Mass Effect there’s a fictional element called element 0, or eezo, that humans found out in space. Eezo can alter the mass of other objects when electrically stimulated. Eezo can give a spaceship negative mass and enable faster than light travel. It can reduce the mass of a bullet to almost zero as it’s fired from the chamber of a gun, and return it to normal going at an extreme speed. It enables artificial gravity. Humans who are exposed to eezo can gain telekinetic powers. There’s a community of aliens out there, and they also use eezo in their technology. There’s a ton of politics, philosophical commentary, and secrets out in the galactic community and its history.
There’s a Snopes article. This is real. Also they sell PissCoin
Does it have a headphone jack
Big caves are called caverns
But the word “cave” implies a feeling of smallness
You just contradicted yourself.
And they ALL suck!
Polearms win 90% of the time