Principal Engineer for Accumulate

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Using git reset --keep would just make more work since I’ll have to throw away uncommitted changes anyways. Removing uncommitted changes is kind of the whole point, it is called ‘reset’ after all. If I want to preserve uncommitted changes, I’ll either stash them or commit them to a temporary branch. That has the added benefit of adding those changes to the reflog so if I screw up later I’ll be able to recover them.

  • Ethan@programming.devtoProgrammer<br>
    2 months ago

    if you work in a shared codebase then PLEASE just follow whatever convention they have decided on, for the sake of everyone’s sanity.

    That goes without saying; I’m not a barbarian.

    “readability” is subjective. much like how there is no objective definition of “clean code”.

    Did you not see the part where I said it’s less readable “in my opinion”?

    i am insisting that people use a common standard regardless of your opinion on it.

    I can read this one of two ways: either you’re making an assertion about what people are currently doing, or you’re telling me/others what to do. In the first case, you’re wrong. I’ve seen many examples of self-closed <br> tags in the open source projects I’ve contributed to and/or read through. In the second case, IDGAF about your opinion. When I contribute to an existing project I’ll do what they do, but if I’m the lead engineer starting a new project I’ll do what I think is the most readable unless the team overwhelmingly opposes me, ‘standards’ be damned, your opinion be damned.

    The spec says self-closing is “unnecessary and has no effect of any kind” and “should be used only with caution”. That does not constitute a specification nor a standard - it’s a recommendation. And I don’t find that compelling. I’m not going to be a prima donna. I’m not going to force my opinions on a project I’m contributing to or a team I’m working with, but if I’m the one setting the standards for a project, I’m going to choose the ones that make the most sense to me.

  • It’s not just about learning a language. Given two equivalent languages, writing a project using one or the other is always going to be less work and less of a maintenance burden than writing it using both. A competent manager will take that into account when deciding what tools to use. On top of that, learning a new language has a cost. Of course Rust and JavaScript are not equivalent, but which one is ‘better’ is highly subjective and dependent on how you measure ‘better’. So a manager needs to take that into account. But my fundamental point is that using two languages for a project adds overhead, and learning a language adds overhead, so unless cost (including time) is irrelevant, there must be a compelling reason to choose a dual-language solution* over a single-language solution, and to chose a solution that requires your devs to learn a new language over one that does not. Not to mention switching platforms has a massive cost if your project is already mature. Even if you’re creating a new project, if your team already knows JavaScript and doesn’t have any particular objection to Electron, there’s no compelling reason.

    If there is a good reason to learn a language then people will.

    Sure. Except in my experience interviewing candidates and from what I’ve seen online, there are a lot of developers out there who aren’t very good. I am not optimistic that the average developer will have an easy time learning a new language. If the “we” in “Is this the electron alternative we’ve been waiting for” is you and I, that’s not a problem. But if OP meant to suggest there will be a large-scale shift away from Electron, then the average developer is quite relevant.

    *As someone else pointed out, Dioxus is designed with the intent that you’ll right the frontend in Rust, so it’s not exactly dual-language like I thought.