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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The person casually executing any potential human shield is no less the villain. And funny how every hospital, school, and designated safe zone have enemies hiding there. Heavens sake, if Hamas has those kinda numbers, that would certainly change the terms of the engagement I think.

    Politicians in every level of the zionist government have openly said they want to exterminate the Palestinian people. But, oh no, not a genocide! 🤪

  • That’s a rather far cry from any kind of approval for the orange idiot. Not trusting the courts in no way implies any kind of approval for a convicted felon. Any apparent connection is superficial, at best, if not a completely false equivalency.

    No. There is absolutely nothing to his ridiculous claims. That said, saying stupid crap like this may, in fact, reduce his support, since most people don’t really like having their opinions generalized like that. So hopefully, he keeps shooting himself in his tiny little feet (something about guys with small hands/feet would fit)…

  • Really? You cannot be serious.

    “They asked me to promote them, but I didn’t offer. So I’m not actually promoting them.”

    Your entire argument is completely irrelevant. And promoting both candidates (like hell that would actually happen, but sure, buddy, we’ll give you the benefit of the non-existent doubt), that’s literally claiming two wrongs make a right. Which, they don’t. At all.

    And nice job copy/pasting the wrong name; totally didn’t make any of us think you’re working a script here. Not at all. (Whatever they’re paying you, they’re getting ripped off)

  • Copyright is the most common form of intellectual property. They are literally using intellectual property law against the native speakers of the language.

    But, whatever. Jerkwad making money off the situation is in the wrong. The entire concept of “rent seeking” by profiteering off the economy is a cancer on our society. And that’s why this guy went into business, to extract value from the situation, aka “rent seeking”. His cumulative effect on the whole situation is gonna be negative for everyone around him; where do you think “profit” comes from?

    But I’ll agree to disagree. You are not gonna convince me, nor I you. More power to you (no, not sarcastically)

  • No. Just, no. I mean what the hell, man?!?

    That does not make any sense at all. I get someone to invest a bunch of money to research your language and culture, convince you not to worry cause I’m gonna take care of it, only to sell the work I “volunteered” to do back to you, that’s nothing other than the most vile, deceptive, and manipulative way to extract “value” from the world around me. This utterly sociopathic and depraved behavior is exactly what is being talked about when people insist that “job creators” deserve praise for their efforts.