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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I mean it depends on where you live. But sports clubs are easy enough to find if you just search for your sport and area.

    Same I would guess with other hobbies.

    Fitness groups no idea to be honest.

    Volunteering: there are usually quite a few forums and such discussing volunteering opportunities. In my country the biggest ones are the volunteer fire department, volunteer first aid (red cross, Johanniter, ASB, Malteser, etc.), technical relief (THW), and different organisations regarding the homeless and poor (biggest ones probably are the Bahnhofsmission and Tafeln) - this is all Germany specific but I’m sure there are somewhat similar things in other countries, too. For smaller things the are often even websites from the local government where you can search for volunteering opportunities interesting you, by topic.

  • Where I live, it’s free for school children and people on welfare etc. For university students it’s 5€ a year, for adults it’s 10€.

    So really not a lot, but you also get access to a lot of other online services for free (encyclopedia, streaming service for older and arthouse films, magazines etc.)

    Late fees are just there to keep you from keeping a book or whatever for long periods of time, because then other wouldn’t be able to read them.

  • Where I live (Germany) they usually have cards with which they can pay at most big gas stations. Kind of like a pin protected voucher card. They usually have a maximum limit though.

    So when we operate a mobile gas station in catastrophic events like big wildfires etc. We usually have to get a limitless card, because otherwise we need a new card 3-4 times a day because we refill our 450 liter tank so often.

    Most fire stations and probably police stations too have an emergency depot though. As does the city. Sometimes the city depot is shared with the depot of the public transport company though.