• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Very true. But it feels here like they where trying to activelly piss people off, or like be controversial with certain characterizations just so they can brag about it on social media. And besides while warren elis did a good job on the first two seasons, he got kinda like a meltdown on the third season by making its own version of game of thrones, shit on the favorite characters of people he didnt like, and make a lot of fetish shit, he became very childish in that one, making some unpopular conments about shit. luckily he was fiered due to people coming out about him being a predator, and the 4th seasson was kinda rescued from his madness, who knows what type of weird sexual bullshit he could have had at the end of the series.

    And i think something good could have been made in nocturne, it just symply feels like the only ones interested are the ones that wanted to piss people off and managed to take the leadership of the project, while everyone else was just making more castlevania.

  • The whole church thing was weird to me because they do portrait them like a bunch of blind dogmatic weirdoes, with the priest gaslighting himself into thinking that him spoilling himself with the spoilers its gods plan but at the same time it seems that they are gonna whant to reddem the priest in the future, because it seems he genuenly thought that god was gonna help him and send him a sacrificial lamb to sacrifice instead of spoiler and he does seem genuenly horrorized from what happened next. And not to mention the bara knight that i dont remember his name, being paired as olroxs love interest and not even aknowledging that the church does not aprove of that at all, like, hell, its impossible for him to not have an internall conflict at least for having sex outside of marriage, let allone homosexual relationships and with a vampire/demon! That sounds like a freaking awesome character conflict, specially with the priests bullshit going on, but like the french revolution setting, it was wasted (hopefully just for now) .

    Olrox was cool, him being wathever anything doesnt face me one way or the other, i think vampires being homo or bi or wathever is kinda naturall because they usually live for a long time and thend to become hedonistic and with the mentality of nothing is sacred, so i think thats kinda natural, but whe deffinetly needed more time with him on screen thought. Personally i think he is working for dracula one way or the other but who knows.

    With belmont it was more believable with trevor because he was constantly reminicing of when he was trained during his youth, him having extensive knowledge about night creatures and how to kill them, and the whole belmonth state made him even more believeable as a fallen hunter, like he wouldnt even be alive if it wasnt for his training and knowledge, but with richter its just feels convenient, like where did he even learned how to use the wip? They could have had this explained with Juste maybe teaching him but they made him a divorsed grandpa, or maybe if they showed richter not being as super skilled with the wip like he is, like if he was just a hunter in training and have juste suplement his training some time in the future, but no, he is already a profesional vampire hunter. Maybe im nitpickng on him but it does make me uncomfortable that fact.

    Maria is fine, ilke where they are going with her at the end, but her pasion for the revolution feels kinda random, they should hav gave her a motive like a friend of hers was killed by the aristocraths, or that she is friends wit some townspeople but they are bullied by the stablishment with impossible taxes, or that she and her mom are afected some way by the government which doesnt seem to be the case, since it seems they live kinda of grid? I dont know but they are definetly not villagers, hell it isnt even show that they work, like are they merchants? Does Tera makes potions and sells them? Are they maintained by the priest an dont work at all? I might be wrong and it might have been hinted at in the show but if that it the feel free to tell me otherwise. Like i just dont find the beliebable, they just exist and maria has no real reason as to why shes so pationate for revolution, at least show something lame like she whent to college and learned in a philosophy or ethics class about freedoom and now became an activist due to that.

    Bartlett does suck right now, shes just evil for the sake of it. Drolta was very nothing but her character design was annoying, not all of it, just her pink hair and some outfits they gave her, looks more like she came out from marvel or dc rather than castlevania but shes spoiler at the end, so i guess it doesnt really mather annymore i guess.

    Juste sucks now, i hope they use him in the future.

    The night creture thing is cool, but the singing was annoying and with how long it was it felt cringe unfortunately, like if they cut some time of it it wouldnt be as annoying.

    Annete sucks to me, im sorry, i made it very clear already and the writers intentions are very clear and not well meaning, they wanted to make a controversial character for twitter rants and they did.

    Other than that im glad you enyoyed it.

    I jus hope season 2 does better since its already confirmed.


    added the maria part.

  • True with Tera, and with the diferent direction they are taking it, the whole french revolution thing is very wasted imo, like i said, they dont interact with any of the villagers, in fact they seem very hermit like if we go about what we see in the series, they just go to the town to rally people like politicians in a political campaign… which now that i think about it its kind of hilarious, it kinda mirrors the stablishment that they are trying to fight aggainst.

    And personally i didnt like annete ( i think i made that a bit to clear, lol), besides of the reasons i already whrote, its because it feels the writers are trying to force her to like… happen, while taking away from the main characters and into her, not belmonth, i mean both maria and belmonth and even tera, shes litterally thrown out of another story into this one, and the reason being that the writers whant to piss people off so that it becomes controversial and people incluiding them can complain about it and defend it online (i.e. american culture war bs).

    Im hopeing that the character of both maria and richter will be expanded upon in the next season, thats if they give them enough time, i dont whant to say that i doubt it, but the intentions of the writers are not subtle at all in the first season, thats why everything else was so rushed. So if they whant to make a comeback the writers should go in with a different mentality, (i.e. hire diferent writers), otherwise we are gonna get more of the same.

  • ROFL on the show, even by that shows premise combined with the tittle sounds like it was gonna be awfull.

    And i didnt knew about the fact that there was an organization that was cracking down on celebrity endorsed NFT’s, that sounds like stepp into the right direction at least (it could be a clue on the fate of the of the Seth Green NFT show) . And if nothing else it makes it the only hillarious thing that would have came out of that show, besides dumb people getting scamed with blazed cats.

    And i have no idea about the whole rape thing, but sounds like its a whole other can of worms that sounds awfull and makes the both sound like bad people.

    Edit: i looked up some more on the cat show and it sounds like it could be kinda cute if the focus would be something other than stonner humor (Which i doubt), but the whole nft thing does make it a hard sell and unnecesarily makes it awfull just for that alone.

  • Alrighth then, gonna stop argue mode and just gonna go full ad homniem cuz you dont seem to budge.

    Whats the dumb point of just answering then hu? You dont refute anything i tell you you just say “no cuz its dumb and i hate you” whats the point then? Why is it bad to believe that shit? Cuz you say so? At least tell me why you think it will never exist, because of some technicality in A.I. development that i dont know about or because it wont be possible to replicate a thinking brain no mather what is made of or something dumb like that humanity should control their own future no matter how fucked up leadership is. We are at a point in human progress where imposible shit its becoming the norm now, like 3d printed organs, language models, drones, etc. What should we do if not look for ways to make peoples lifes better applying or making this tech better? Just up and go die from climate change? Are you one of those people that think the world would be better if we all die? I bet you might even be an anti natalist, you know, those kids that say we shouldnt bring any more humans into the world cuz “linkin park song lyrics (Crawling throught mu skiiiiiiin)”. Grow up m8, humanity will go on whatever you like it or not and more impossible shit is gonna be created and released to the public.

    Sorry for this but you kinda drove me nuts with your indiference.

    Edit: Taking a small peek at your profile made me realice its even more of a waste of time to even try to have a conversation here. But well what did i expect answering to a 2 month old post.

  • My main gripe is how easly corruptible the human spirit is and how positions of power atract terrible people that shouldnt probably even be allowed to own pets, and the fact that the chain of command is made unintentionally (or intentionally) in a way so that these type of people can prosper more easly.

    My idea for the A.I. is to solve those problems, but there are probably other ways to solve them, i myself cant really think of one that doesnt involve a higer being or higer inteligence guiding humanity to the future.

    No mater what political/economical system you come up with it will always end up with any form of corruption that ends up spreading and causing more harm than order, my go to example for this would be global warming and big oil lobying the world leaders into submision while defilling the planet, and anny type of solution that gets legislated and enforced is always directed toward the general poulation and not big corporations. You could argue that its because of rampant late stage capitalism, and it is, but im pretty sure simmilar situations could happen even under a comunal anarchick hippie cult if someone that wants power mannages to get enough followers and gaslight most of the cult into accepting that the will of the leader is divine and they should focus their resourses unto building guns to force the will of the leader into other people inside and outside of the cult, and the remaining resourses into making the leaders favorite pies that only the leader can eat even if everybody else starves. Of course this is a ridiculous example, but i think my point gets across.

    The problem lies in how we humans socialice or at least on how do we govern ourselves. Carisma wins popularity contests over anything else, and popularity wins against any other type of reasoning, and power always corrupts and you end up at best with an uncaring governmet that only cares for itself and its aperances than for the wellbeing of the people, and carisma channeled throught propaganda and mindgames makes sure people stay on their lane.

    I think that if a benefic entity can game this system but also actually have our best interests in mind, we could achieve something close to heaven on earth, and probably other planets to.

  • I didnt mean language models or a machine learning program, i meant a full on artifical inteligence, singularity type shit, beneficial of course, although imo something on the level of what we have could do, hell, something even les sofisticated could work as long as its well thought out.

    We are not there yet in the singularity level , but my main gripe is how easly corruptible the human spirit is and how positions of power atract terrible people that shouldnt probably even be allowed to own pets, and the fact that the chain of command is made unintentionally (or intentionally) in a way so that these type of people can prosper more easly.