I’d be surprised if it was just the business department…
I’d be surprised if it was just the business department…
Yeah it would. But as I said elsewhere, this is probably enough to be ‘too much effort’ for the majority of users, and definitely a lot more effort than it should be. I already know several people who habitually click accept all on cookie banners, and I know I have caught myself doing that a couple times too…
Hm… Was gonna try Arkenfox one of these days tbh.
There’s gotta be a company address somewhere haha
Hey, my phone has 12Gb of RAM for a reason, and bookmarks are scawy…
Hm yeah perhaps. I clicked away too fast to try it 😅
Well, the fact that when there are ads, there’s always like 20 of them is another issue… But yeah, I don’t even care about ads but as I see it I should have a right to privacy without having to pay for it.
True, but shouldn’t I be able to use it if I want to without having to choose between paying money or being spied on?
The content of a website isn’t an extension of your property.
No, but it is my property which is to be used to store files that this company has put there, just so they can track me across the web to sell me more crappy shit I do not need.
So exactly how should content (regardless of how trashy it is) be funded?
With ads, but either be good and use ads that arent spyware, or let me choose to opt out of the tracky ones and use general ads instead.
Meanwhile, not visiting websites that don’t meet your vision for how funding content should be done seems like a perfectly simple and reasonable approach to have for this problem.
Yup, hence why I noped outta there as soon as I saw that popup cause fuuuck that…
Yeah exactly!
Ooh you can share settings like this? Whoa…
Yeah… That’s what I fear is that once one has started doing it, others will follow.
I mean, I’m not opposed to all cookies. Ones that I actually need like that one are fine. Just dont track me kthxbye…
I’m on Sync. I might have a look later.
Of course they do :/… Surely though, even with the previous free choice of general or personalised ads, I bet a decent few people still habitually clicked ‘accept all’, so I can’t imagine this making that much of a difference financially… And this way they’ll probably drive away some more privacy-savvy readers as well. Oh well, guess they wouldn’t be doing it if it didn’t pay off for them.
Yeah, I guess that’s fair enough. Guess you can never fully trust these website owners anyway. That first part about clearing cookies on exit is definitely a good idea. But still, what has the internet come to…
Oh, thats neat. Didn’t know about that feature. Thanks :)
Oh I know, I clicked a link here on lemmy and was taken to that site. I never read it otherwise, but now Im definitely not reading it…
Give me all the ads you want but at least give me the option whether they’re personalised or not… Why is this now a paid choice? The companies get paid by the advertisers either way, right? I’m not expecting it for free but I don’t like thousands of unknown companies tracking me thank you very much.
Why do I need to sell my data? Cant I just have ads?